Spiritual Food…What Is Your Fuel?

Spiritual Food…

What fuels your spirit?

What is your breakfast…lunch…and dinner of spirit?

What fuel or food do you take in which feeds your spirit?

We know what fuels the body…

We know we must eat to live…not live to eat…yet so many of us live to eat.

We are like kids in a candy store!  The “foodies” among us are generally gourmets in our own right…and we live to eat…despite the fact that what sends our taste buds to the moon we delight in the journey to the point of overdoing it in consumption because it tastes so good!  We know we shouldn’t…we know that for some of us our weight will “wear” what we eat…and for some of us we may suffer health issues…however, that piece of chocolate cake, or that extra helping of fries gives us that ”devil-may-care” attitude and we convince ourselves that we’ll deal with the physical consequences of our gastronomic indulgences…later.

So what consequences result in regards to spiritually overindulging in what we “feed” our spirits?

The greatest examples of spiritual consumption of fuels and foods that work contrary to the spirit is what we’ve witnessed in the last four years in the form of Trump…his GOP…his supporters…

They chose to feed their spirits Lies instead of Truth…

Hatred… instead of Love…

Violence… instead of Peace…

Suppression… instead of Freedom…

Division… instead of Unity…

Cruelty… instead of Compassion…

Selfishness… instead of Humanitarianism…

Anger… instead of Levelheadedness…

Delusion… instead of Reality…

Absolute Power… instead of Democracy…

Eventually, the continual ingesting of these foods and fuels to the spirit will result in the demise of the spirit… Nothing good can ever emerge from evil… and only good…can deliver from evil….

Should we find ourselves walking down the path of evil…by feeding our spirits with foods and fuels that are not in sync with nourishing, lifting and enlightening our spirits to the highest level of humility, humanity…and love…we must step back and observe what is going on around us…and within us…and ask, “Am I contributing to my highest good which connects to all those around me…including the well-being of the planet? Or am I connecting with the darkest abominations of my spirit…and casting those monstrosities upon the world in destruction of humanity and the planet?”

Observe the chaos in our country and the world…take note of the “plagues” in the form of a mutating virus which gives minuscule signs of hope…only to take away that hope in delivering perhaps more devastation upon humanity…because there are those who choose to feed their spirits rebellion and defiance…rather than comply to social distancing and mask wearing to save themselves…and their fellow humans…

Look at the changing weather patterns due to the mistreatment of our planet through the quest for material gain in destroying the environment…and our atmosphere…. by drilling and sucking the life out of the planet…and releasing gases into the air that we breathe…and eating the foods and fueling the mind with denial…and “natural occurrences” rhetoric that takes place every 100 years or so…

After centuries and decades of ingesting and releasing spiritual pollutants…we are witnessing the results.

We must change what we feed and how we fuel our spirits…

Those of us who understand and are working on maintaining our diets of spiritual intake with positive and enlightening energies must continue to forge forward in our practices… We must encourage those who are working to get on and stay on the path of nourishing their spirits and the spirits of others with “good and healthy” foods and fuels…and increase in number and voice to counteract those who choose to continue to overindulge in satiating their bottomless, spiritual appetites for corruptible and egregious foods and fuels.

We will prevail if we stay the course…beginning with addressing the spiritual fallout that has left our country in a state of disarray and chaos…

Compromise only leads to eventual backsliding and succumbing to temptation…

Lead us not into temptation…

Take our daily bread…

Deliver us from evil…

By the way of the Spirit…

Manna from Heaven…

And our spiritual food and fuel…

Of Truth…..

We cannot afford to wait until later…

We cannot put off tomorrow…what can be done today…right now…

Every moment that goes by…

Our spirits hunger…

There are no substitutions…

Take in what is good…

And feed your spirit.

The Will Of The People…

It was the will of the people and the voice of their votes that freed the country from a tyrant…

It will once again be the will of the people and the people’s vote that will be the instrument of securing a second impeachment vote through the Senate…

An insurrection was recruited…nursed…and empowered by Trump to his supporters, to rise up against the Capitol where the Senate and House were in session to ceremoniously confirm the results of the 2020 Election, declaring President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris the victors of said election with the tally of electoral votes.

The present Republican Party has made their position very clear.  They intend to defend a traitor to our country…attempting to overthrow democracy for his own self-serving agenda, in order to retain Trump’s supporters, in a veiled attempt to override the Constitution’s call to hold treason and sedition accountable, by saying Trump is no longer in office, so he is no longer accountable for his actions.

What Constitution are they quoting?! The Constitution does not make such a claim as they are trying to introduce.  There is nothing “unconstitutional” in holding an insurrectionist, in the office of President, impeached for a second time while in office, accountable…It is the duty of the House and The Senate to uphold the remedy of the Constitution of the United States. Didn’t they swear and take an oath to protect the country and its citizens against this very thing? All enemies within and outside of the United States of America?

The whole world witnessed his words…his actions…and his deed of accomplishment…January 6, 2021 is now a part of American history at its worst…nothing will reverse the lives that were lost or the damage that was done…yet something can be done to ensure accountability as called for in the U.S. Constitution: Impeachment. 

The attempt by the GOP to delay the trial until Trump left office, believed that they had a defense to once again look the other way.  Smoke and mirrors are the mastery of the GOP.  Misdirection…Delusion…Complicity…Division. Major players in the Republican Rule Book on fooling the people all of the time to retain power for self-serving preservation. 

The party of Lincoln switched.  Back in the 1860’s, Republicans dominated the northern states, and the Democrats dominated the South…The Republicans orchestrated the expansion of federal power…The Democrats opposed it.  Republicans passed laws granting protections for Black Americans and advanced social justice.  Democrats opposed these expansions of federal power.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democratic President, won reelection in 1936 on his introduction of the New Deal, reforms to remedy the Depression.  The remedies included the regulation of financial institutions, the creation of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development…

They took form in the following programs and agencies…The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA).

These programs and agencies provided support for farmers, the unemployed, youth and the elderly.

The defeated Republican candidate, Alf Landon, opposed these exercises of federal power.

It is imperative that people understand the stance their chosen parties represent…and how they came to champion the stance that distinguishes one party from the other.  Republicans are the party of “bigger businesses and hands-off government.” It is their assertion that hands-off government is better for business.  Where does that leave the average working-class American? 

Become informed…Read…Research from highly reliable sources…it is tragic to be regarded as sheep…who can be led to slaughter…Trump threw his supporters under the bus…Remember…He told his supporters as he urged them to march on the Capitol Building, “I will be right there with you.”  He was nowhere to be found.  He abandoned them after accomplishing his agenda of getting them to fight his delusional battle…

Today, this is not about labels of division such as “Democrats” or “Republicans.”

When we “see” each other as people…we see and measure the hearts and minds of people…that gives us our true picture…

Who we will trust…

Who we will know by their character…

Who we will know by their integrity…

Who we will know by their honor…

Who we will know by their honesty…

Who we will know by their words…

Who we will know by their word…

Who we will know by their actions…

Who we will know by their deeds…

Who we will know by their truth…

We know that the Party of Lincoln was once a party of the people…

The GOP is now a party of antagonists…championing lies…deceit…corruption…subversion…insurrection…sedition…delusion…exclusion…revolution…white supremacy…white privilege…racism…division…destroyers of democracy…freedom…justice…liberty…America.

Wrong is right…and right is wrong…Self-service is king…and power is supreme…Just ask Mitch McConnell and his Republican cronies.  In their eyes, American citizens are just collateral damage to their complicit behavior in giving Trump a free pass to walk away without accountability for nearly destroying our country under their watch.

We can ensure they are all held accountable…

Stop the support. Stop the funding. Stop voting for those who do not have your best interests at heart. Don’t look at labels…Look at people.  Look for people who are salvageable and redeemable…The Republican party has shown the world who they really are…and what they are really all about.  They didn’t care about standing by their oaths to country and the people…they cared about themselves…and their political careers and futures…without caring about credibility and integrity.

It is so unfortunate that “real” Republicans across the country who stood up to the Trump Manifest, must belong in a party with the Hill GOP, who are disgraces to the former party of Lincoln…

Look at these politicians as who and what they are…people…people who choose and chose to be unsavory…unapologetic…without shame… and abandon their country for power… which is diminishing…

It will be the will of the people that will bring unity in spite of Republican attempts to divide a nation.

It will be the will of the people which will answer the call of the Constitution to hold Trump accountable along with those who aided and abetted his agenda and insurrection to overthrow democracy.

We know that violence never extends itself to purpose…violence is desperation when truth and reason prevail…Trump and his supporters showed the world this with their actions….

We must stand on democracy to deliver democracy…

The Constitution demands accountability by impeachment…there is nothing unconstitutional about it.

The Republican Party does not speak for the people…nor do they know the will of the people…

The road to unity is accountability…

It is the will of the people…for the people…by the people….

This Truth Is Evident…

This Truth Is Evident…

The Republican Party…Must GO!

In its present state, it is a Party of Insurrectionists…Sedition…Treason…Traitors…Sociopaths…Pathological Liars…Conspiracy Propagandists…Self-Anointed Elitists…Bullies…Cowards…Political Chameleons…Loyalists to their own self-gain…and Power Extremists.

They do not serve allegiance to the Republic…or the people they took oaths to serve…They are self-serving and devoid of honor, truth and integrity.  This truth is evident…and truth is not always kind…

They are the putrefaction of white supremacy and white privilege…a truth that is not kind…

Trump is not gone as long as the present Party of GOP loyalists are allowed to move forward…as if the last four years of their enabling of a dictator and his demonic rise in the Office of the President of the United States… never took place…as if the insurrection at the Nation’s Capital Building on January 6, 2021, never took place…

As long as the GOP continues to recite their mantra, that “Trump is out of office now” while planting divisive seeds that another impeachment trial would sow further division, because the country needs to heal…our democracy is still in danger…

Healing will not take place if accountability is swept under the rug… and “division” of a different sort will surely take place…a division that will destroy democracy and America…

This present rhetoric from the GOP is merely a diversion to steer the people who believe in this country and what it is meant to stand for away from supporting the second impeachment trial… They want to accomplish this in order to ensure that Trump’s supporters remain intact to bolster their thirst and continued quest for power in their votes, luring them to believe that Trump will make a run for the Presidency in 2024… With the second impeachment trial, and a conviction, Trump will be barred from running for any office… ever again. 

This Truth Is Evident….

Accountability must be served on behalf of the American people… Salvation and preservation of our Democracy hangs in the balance….

This Truth Is Evident…

We cannot afford to let this moment pass without retribution…the price our country and every American will pay…will permanently divide us…and destroy us.

This Truth Is Evident…

If we believe in a free country…in a free world…we must support the safeguards of our democracy…and put them to test…and show the world that we stand on what we believe in…and what we are going to do to defend it…within our country…as well as outside of our country.

This Truth Is Evident…

And it is soberly clear…America’s credibility stands on her “Accountability.”

Is there a “backbone” to American democracy?

What is the Constitution? If it is not the document of our democracy, what is it?

While it is not perfect…and it needs to be amended to service the continuing change and growth to accommodate centuries of America’s ever-evolving tapestry…our Constitution calls for “Accountability.”

Conquering our weaknesses as a country…is our strength as a nation.  Our nation’s longevity stands on the fine line of overcoming our weaknesses by directing our strength to enforce the truth of our democracy: Defiance demands and delivers accountability…to anyone who challenges its sovereignty….

This Truth Is Evident…

Usurping the Constitution… infringes the will of the people.

Abuse of power must be met with shutting down that power…and severing any and all avenues to that power ever occurring again.  Impeachment of Trump is that accountability…without any shadow of a doubt.

Lincoln and real Republicans weep at the destruction of their party by their own hand and despicable actions…Give them a reality check: Treason will not be tolerated on any level…

This Truth… Is Evident….

What Unites Us…

What unites us…will always divide us…because differences of opinion will always exist where humankind is present…

Inauguration Day, January 20, 2021…President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris…Historic firsts in many respects…

While the promise of today can lead us into a better future tomorrow…we must always remember that there is right and wrong…weak and strong…winners and losers…

Our democracy was tested…severely with the insurrection and assault on the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021…

We cannot move forward without accountability being rendered to those who incited, participated, and continue to defend this act of sedition and treason according to our Constitution.

We cannot entertain unity without restoring credibility to our democracy…in following what it deems necessary in the treatment of those who attempted to overthrow it.

Impeachment is necessary. To impose it will cause division…Not to impose it will cause division…either decision will lead to division…yet, it is unavoidable…because in doing the right thing, which is always going to be an objection by someone…no matter what…the right thing must be done in order to uphold the laws of our nation…to uphold the Constitution…

Lindsey Graham’s outrageous comment to Joe Biden,

“If you do not stand up against the impeachment of President Trump after he leaves office, you’re an incredibly weak figure in American history.”

In the eyes of many in this country and the world…Lindsey Graham, along with the majority of the Republican Party, already own that distinction.

Spineless…mindless…and damned…the GOP willingly chose their path.  They have destroyed their credibility to voice any road to unity for our country, because lies and denial still strongly influence their road to retaining a Trump supporter base, supporting the Republican Party…whatever it stands for….

While Truth is the “great redeemer”…it is also the great divider…because not everyone can handle the truth…However, in time…truth heals…and truth eventually unites…

Trying to unify a country where a defeated party urges continued ignorance of its flaws, cracks, fissures, fractures, lies, and wide divides, is further inviting attacks upon our democracy and our ability to defend it.

To those who continue to believe they know the will of the people…and what they want…stop doing it!  Our will is not your will…opinion or solution.

There are millions of Americans, regardless of their Party affiliations, who want accountability for the January 6, 2021 incident, as well as the lies and deceptions and delusions that were cast upon them by their Republican officials, and their leader, Trump.

The American people were intentionally duped the last four years…for political power and self-aggrandizement by the GOP.

Impeachment and accountability will unify and strengthen our democracy, its credibility and resiliency.

Today’s Inauguration of President Biden and Vice-President Harris was historic…and will turn the page on a former administration that countless Americans clearly would like to be erased from ever taking place…yet it cannot be done without…Accountability.

Division is inevitable…there is no way around it.  It is a necessary byproduct to healing…and Unity.

All of our obstacles can be overcome…Covid-19…our depressed and suffering economy… social justice and reform…regaining our country’s credibility and place in the world…our integrity and viability as a nation…We…are the building blocks to restoring America…

We must begin with what we truly stand for…Liberty and Justice for all comes with a high price tag…

Democracy demands accountability…

Here’s the question…

Are we willing to pay the price of truth in accountability…to attain unity?

One Nation…Under God…Indivisible…

Tests its mettle…

With… Division…

Indivisible+Division=Unity…What Unites Us…..

He Would Weep…

Today was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day…

He Would Weep…

To have witnessed the insurrectionists, instigated and incited into a violent attack upon the Capitol…by a dictator masquerading as a “president”…aided and abetted in his four year reign of terror and destruction…by the GOP…the party pf Lincoln….

He Would Weep…

To have witnessed the continued assault and murder upon innocent, Black men and women…because the color of their skin renders them insignificant…still…into the 21st century…

He Would Weep…

To see the vision of his Dream of American Unity and Equality…engaging in embracing our humanity, our integrity and character and presenting to the world that we could honor and appreciate our diversity through a democracy that would represent, work and serve its citizens…go down in flames with a continued demonstration of white supremacy and white privilege that continues to be nurtured and pushed to the forefront of any progress in realization of his Dream…

He Would Weep…

He would point out and declare that any oppression under America’s democracy of any citizen or potential citizen goes against what America proclaims to be all about…

He would denounce the actions of domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, and seditionists inside and outside of our government…and demand accountability and swift justice under the laws of the land…to show that democracy outweighs personal gain, rebellion and vicious divides, especially from those on our home soil, posing as patriots…

He Would Weep…

Had he lived to be 91 years…he would deliver once again his “I Have A Dream” speech…and it would be amended to include bent knees…

With the strong encouragement of peaceful protests to further the liberation and equality of Black Americans…and continue to speak and protest that Black Lives Matter…

He would lead young Americans into the arena of activism to secure their future…and the future of their children to be born into a country where they can be assured of creating and living out their dreams without oppression…and apprehension because of their beautiful diversity…

He would never stop building on the dream…and neither must we…

We must continue to wield the sword of truth in the rebuilding…restructuring…and restoration in the foundation of America…laying waste to that which divides…and continues to divide…Racism.  The dream of America cannot be realized upon a foundation breeding hatred and division.

Accountability must be delivered upon those responsible in the continued division and attacks upon our country…to restore a strong democracy…by whatever is necessary… in the form of impeachment and expulsion…to the fullest extent of the law. 

Only this will lead to unification…only this will cause us all to weep…

Tears of joy…in the realization…that the dream and promise of America, can find sure footing…in delivering a grand dream…delivered to a bleeding nation…in a March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom… those many years ago on August 28, 1963…

Let us live in a fragmented “Dream” no longer…

Let us proclaim this day that we will take up the task of reinforcing and delivering America…to her true destiny…

The “Dream which unifies…not divides…”

We are the architects…

We are…the Dream…

He Would Weep…

Because finally…

We get it….

This Goes Beyond Impeachment…

This Goes Beyond Impeachment…

All of the GOP must be held accountable and expelled from the Senate and the House…

Their Party needs a gutting and complete makeover… Examples must be made or we ARE a failed democracy…some countries have already come to that conclusion.

A stand must be taken…

This Goes Beyond Impeachment…

Only ten Republicans in the House on Wednesday, January 13, voted to impeach Trump…

Let us remember that the first impeachment effort only yielded one Republican Senator who voted for one article of impeachment…and voted against the other…Trump was guilty of both…  While this one senator voted for one article of impeachment, and voted against the other…he was still complicit.  He rode the fence…Fence riding constitutes a divided mind…or appeasement…It’s all or nothing…one cannot go “half-sees” on high crimes and misdemeanors…or excuse insurrection, sedition and treason.

 Addressing the ten who voted for impeachment…where have they been for the last four years?!

They were all in support of and parties to the horrific, chaotic, lie-spinning, propaganda induced Trump machine-turned-seditious-insurrectionist-terrorist-dictator-supremacist…with complete abandon…to our country…its citizens…and their political careers… Only ten had a sudden epiphany and awoke from their Trump-induced stupor?

Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, “Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspective?” If not there is no point to argue. (Dick Gregory)

For Republicans…there is and was no point to argue…but to act upon the obvious…They refused…and many still refuse and have totally embraced and bought into the lies as their reality.  What does that say about their mental state of minds?

Truth…and impeachment will unify Americans who expect integrity, honesty and transparency…

The lies and loyalty to shield an insurrectionist and seditionist will only serve to further divide our nation…and invite the lawlessness and self-serving actions continually practiced by the GOP and their defeated leader…by others who may feel so emboldened to do so.

This Goes Beyond Impeachment…

It is time for Reconstruction…it is time for the creation of a new party or parties…that represent integrity, truth, honor, the country, its citizens and equality…out of the ashes of the GOP…

The Democratic Party must do a better job at defending our country, its citizens and the principles and values they share with the American people who believe in and love America, by strengthening their party and teaching its wet-behind-the ears, young, progressive members that experience can blend with progressive change by working together to create a blended, changing party by implementing new policies with aged wisdom and season… For Democrats…the time has arrived…make it count.

The redefining of America is under the eye of scrutiny from every nation around the globe…This moment will determine America’s resilience to come back from the blow of domestic terrorists of her own making…

The seeds of racism and racial divide planted with the inception of slavery continuing to bear strange fruit in blue uniforms…and white privilege…

Economic disparities creating divides that are deepening and changing the meaning of the “American family”…

Homelessness…increasing poverty…a dismissed virus that exploded…and shined a spotlight on those left behind in healthcare…

This Goes Beyond Impeachment…

The irony of it all is a failure…inciting and manipulating a nation’s flaws…to destroy it.

It goes… beyond… rational comprehension…..

A World of Lies…Or the Light of Truth?

A World of Lies…or the Light of Truth…

Which would you prefer?

A world of lies…or the light of truth?

I strive to tell the truth and shine the light of truth in everything that I do…I would rather sting in the moment of truth rather than drown in an ocean of lies.

What I write isn’t always going to be popular, pleasant, or delightful…however, it will be the truth…not “my truth,” but the truth…

It is important that we build our lives in truth…and live our lives from truth…no matter how we might perceive it as painful or too sobering…because lessons in truth form the core of our being…and should we speak from “our truth” it should always be drawn from experience.

Opinions “of truth” are just that…opinions.  We should not offer opinions of truth because they tend to distort “innocence” in thinking for oneself…and create someone else’s point of view within our consciousness. 

Our quest for truth is a journey of enlightenment for our souls…we nurture our desire to be filled with light…the light of truth elevates our being…gives us powerful insights… and allows us to see the real reality of any situation.

When we accept lies, we cloud our consciousness and our perceptions to what is reality…and what is not.  Because lies are constructed on falsehood, they will eventually crumble and tumble down…bringing you along with it. 

Sometimes, there can be no recovery because the damage is too severe…and one cannot emerge without scars…or the loss of one’s soul.

Truth and lies…a fine line to walk…yet an easy line to cross.

My sincere and deepest thanks to everyone who ventures across this threshold and stops for a read or two…and sometimes, what you’ve, read resonates your soul…and you take a seat…to see what is coming next, from this school of thought…

You are the tomorrows of today…walking your path of light in search of truth.

Welcome to this journey…I promise to always bring you truth…because deep within the caverns of our souls…

Truth…is what we are….

And what we seek to become…

A part of the flame that eternally burns…

In Truth….

A world of lies is fleeting…

Only truth remains constant…

Savor the transformation….

A new day and age has dawned…

A World of Lies…

Or the Light of Truth?

Let the Light shine…

Within…and without….


One Nation…Under God…Indivisible…

One Nation…Under God…Indivisible…

I have said this before…and I will say it again…God will not be mocked.

White supremacy is an affront to God…

To declare anything using God…and acting to the contrary is doing nothing more than inviting Divine retribution. Belief is not a necessary element…every cause has an effect…

On Wednesday, January 6, 2021…America fell from grace…

The appalling insurrection against the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, instigated and continually fueled by Trump and his constituents relentlessly attacking the integrity of the 2020 election and the voting process; was witnessed around the world.  Not only securing doubts about democracy, but witnessing the fall of a giant and ardent supporter, America, who touts being the supreme example of “Democracy.”

Time and time again, the practice of Structural Racism and the institutionalized, condoned behavior and socialization of white supremacy firmly fabricated within the United States, has done nothing but agitate, aggravate, and highlight a foundation of democracy that was built and constructed upon “white supremacy.”

White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and should dominate them…giving rise to belief, defense and maintenance of white power and white privilege…Especially over people of color whose ancestors were forcibly brought to America from Africa to serve as slaves…chattel…victims…disposables…

God will not be mocked…and we must never lose sight of God.

If there is a belief in God and Creation…it must be understood that all are a part of God’s Conscience…functioning within your conscious…

One Nation…Under God…Indivisible….

It appears that all we have ever known…is divisiveness. Especially on Wednesday, and all through the last four years…from the very inception of the Republic…centuries ago.

The most significant and crucial element of democracy is missing and continues to hinder its growth…and that is…CHANGE.

With that being said, the Constitution must change to accommodate the times.

Life has changed and the U.S. Constitution must be amended to encompass change…if democracy is to move forward in standing as a “foundation” in governing…Democracy must have a clean slate to withstand and deliver the ideals of liberty and justice for all…for any nation or any country…especially this nation…this country…

Democracy is defined as “A system of government by the whole of the population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.”

Beginning with the expelling and dissolution of white supremacy…Serving two masters is a fatal process and cannot realize true attainment of democracy in practice “for the people, by the people”…with liberty and justice for all.

Democracy practiced for self-serving purposes is nothing more than a fool’s folly.

Until we can face what really divides us we cannot come together as a nation and rebuild our democracy…or repair the divisiveness.

How often do we stand in denial and cringe at the truth?  We cannot afford to lose another day standing in denial…we must embrace the truth… Truth is the only element that will set this nation free…

Trump and his GOP, as well as his supporters…must face the truth and stop wallowing in white supremacy…

The eyes of the world are all focused on the divisiveness…the doctrines of white supremacy, the lies, the misdirection and the misinformation unleashed upon the country, unabashedly nurtured and dispensed by the GOP…and the aftermath of violence it delivered upon our democracy…

The 25th Amendment would give instantaneous relief to a country beleaguered by Trump and Republican representatives who still nurse self-serving delusions…in their world of privilege, still harboring party loyalty above the good and well-being of the people and country… who they took oaths to serve…it does not matter that there’s just a week and a half left…  So much more damage can be unleashed upon the people and the country in that time…all it takes… is one day out of that week and a half….

As the eyes of the world are upon us…we the people must not forget…and we must take the reins to usher in the change that will salvage and save the foundation of democracy…”For the People…By the People.”

Take a long look at America’s history…

We can build a stronger, better, and lasting foundation upon which to rest our democracy…

One Nation…Under God…Indivisible… With Liberty and Justice…

For All…

We are standing on the edge of a greater precipice…

Will we land on our feet…or be crushed in the fall?

Time… will write this ending…

Along with our love of our country…our fellow countrymen and women…

And our desire to rise from the ashes…victorious and renewed…

God Bless America…

She is… the Phoenix….

Soul Searching…

Soul Searching…

If we haven’t already…now is the time to do some soul searching…

It’s time to take a good look inside of ourselves…and ask questions…and seek honest answers to the questions…from ourselves.

It’s time for accountability…from all of us.

Who are we? What do we want for America? What do we want for ourselves?

You see…what we want for America is going to determine our lives…our children’s lives…and the future of America.

After Trump’s insurrection failed on Wednesday to overturn tenets of our Democracy…it left open some very important avenues of thought…and opened up discoveries of character in government officials…that were elected into office…by the people.

This “Trump Revolution” revealed that there are still people functioning within our government who support the violence and desecration that took place against and in the Capitol Building, by their continued insistence of resistance to accept the voice and will of the people through their votes…

Those Senators and Representatives who still insisted upon their objections by citing the Election as fraudulent and “rigged” during the certification process, clearly declared their allegiance to a violent mob of domestic terrorists…and a rogue seditionist by the name of Donald Trump…Who once was followed and supported by the entire GOP…

“Loyal” behavior and practice in respect to one’s party does not belong in bipartisan politics…it does not serve the people…it only serves “Party politics” and “Party” lust of power…We were given an inside view and four years of demonstration, by the Republican Party.

“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed……..and we will deserve it.”

Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted this back on May 3, 2016.

He clearly ignored the voice of his soul…and lost it along the way.  Winning back his soul and the confidence of the people will be a long, uphill climb for him and his colleagues, if at all possible to do so…

Which goes to say that the present GOP should be held at arm’s length and seriously re-evaluated as to their viability in serving the American people with integrity, courage, honor and respect to the oaths that they took to serve, and their ability to put country before self-serving interests.  In this case, severing the head from the body is only half the solution to restoring the sanctity of American Democracy.

Resignations…re-elections…and replacements should be the order of the day for Republican Senators and House Representatives who have shown their true colors…and they are still a danger to democracy as long as they are allowed to hold their seats in both Houses.

The strength of leadership is reflective of its constituents…

Those of us who understand the ideals of America and what America should be and can be…know that this is the time to stand up be true to the concept of America…

Land of the Free…Home of the Brave does not enlist what we’ve witnessed in the last four years, culminating in Wednesday’s horrific display of home-grown terrorism…cultivated by a self-serving, narcissistic sociopath, and a power mesmerized group of individuals calling themselves, “The Party of Lincoln.”  Think of how many times Lincoln turned over in his grave….

Soul Searching… this is not who we are…

Soul Searching… this is not what we want for our children…

Soul Searching… this is not what we want for America…

Soul Searching… this is not what we want for ourselves…

Soul Searching… this is not America…while many want it to be…it is not.

Every last one of those insurgents who stormed the Capitol Building…are descendants of immigrants… Not one of them are indigenous to America…including Donald Trump.

America…does not belong, and never has naturally belonged to them.

The Natives of America understood and honored their relationship with this country in a giving and taking which respected the unity and the reverence of life and support… by protecting this land…And they were punished…and some tribes wiped out for it.

We cannot have history repeating itself by feeding the demons who thrive from sowing hatred and destruction due to their lack and absence of humanity…

We stand at a door that now leads to the future of America…

We will determine what she stands for…and how we will achieve the best of America and her ideals…or fall further into a chaotic inferno of her demise…

Soul Searching will be the agenda for the coming year…

Every day we are given to rise…we must search our souls…we must understand how important we are in securing the future of our nation…and one another…

What do you love most about living?

Search your souls before you answer…

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us…but we can ensure a better tomorrow…today….

Soul Searching… can reveal the answer…

Take a moment…

Listen to your Soul….

America…The Ugly?

I had been wanting to write something a few days ago…and my instincts told me to wait…Today’s startling and horrific events which took place at our nation’s Capitol was not anticipated to be the topic of my post…it was going to be on the future…how we must accentuate the positive…and how change for the beginning of our nation was on the upswing with the winning of two new Senators from Georgia…who were bringing positive and new ideals to the Senate…where a 50/50 split and a deciding vote in the Senate…was as it should be…and should have always been…because THAT is the meaning of “bipartisan” politics…

Then…once again…Trump happens. He has a penchant for making sure that he is at the center of every chaotic chapter of government and democracy unraveling to the tune of his demented imaginings…The problem is so simple to fix…yet those who can fix it lack the courage and integrity to do so.

Therefore, the world received another bird’s eye view into “The Ugly Americans.”

We cannot preach to the world what we cannot or will not practice. We cannot condemn what is perceived as “Third World” behavior…when Trump is writing the script and putting it into inception by his dictator mentality and his sociopathic behavior. Demanding loyalty to his divisive and destructive antics…

Four people died today at this domestic terrorist insurrection devised by Trump…Does anyone think he cares? One would think that his Party would snap out of it and understand that this person they so fear and have pledged their undying loyalty to, is just a man…a demented one no less…but just a man. A man who has lost an election and will be out of the White House, by hook or crook…on January 20, 2021. The fear and cowardice of his Party…has brought us to this moment of his lunacy…due to their quest for power…

“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.”

Edmund Burke knew… It takes truly special men and women to put country and its people first… The Republican Party has shown us in majority that they put themselves…first…Power over People…creating…”America…The Ugly.”

Now that this “Reign of Terror” which most of the GOP supported…and many still silently support, is nearing its public end…What is waiting in the wings…in their subversive chamber of horrors?

Will “Trumpism” fade into the woodwork once he is led from the White House? If only they had the courage and conviction to invoke Article 25… Two more weeks of Trump can give America another shocking and brutally devastating blow under his demonic madness in instigating boiling cauldrons of chaos…

Tomorrow is another day…

Let us hope that we are safe…

Not only from the virus…

But from each other…

Again we are relying on the compassion of one another to know the difference between right and wrong…and doing the right thing.

The other cheek is now stained with blood…

America…The Ugly?

We cannot afford to offer another cheek. To strengthen our nation we must be true to the values and documents of our democracy…

Article 25…its your turn to color America…beautiful…..

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