July Says Goodbye…

Here we are again… July says goodbye…another month comes to an end…

We are still battling the corona virus…White House Administrative, Elephantine, pie-in-the-sky illusions…massive unemployment…masses trying to make ends meet…tremendous death tolls on the rise again, because the belief is that not wearing masks and not taking protective measures against the virus will make a difference, due to misinformation, and those who wish to exercise “invincibility” against a virus that has no distinct indication of how it is attacking humans in the first place!  What we do know is covering the face at the most vulnerable points of entry gives the most assurance of keeping this virus at bay, while sanitizing and washing hands is also a viable recourse against it…Your life is at stake…and the lives of others, by you, if you do not follow the safety guidelines until a vaccine is found and made available…

July also saw the death of an American Hero and Giant of Civil Rights, John Lewis, Congressman from Georgia… He said:

“Do not get lost in a sea of despair.  Be hopeful, be optimistic.  Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime.  Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble.”

Words to live by…words to put into practice…an energizing mantra….

Right here, at July’s end, as is every day, until we conquer our demons and enemies acting against humanity, is a call for action from each and every one of us.  If we truly value life…and one another…we will always answer the call of action…because the call is mobilizing us to stand up against injustice, tyranny and any assaults against doing the right thing… We must always exercise common sense…if one can be reckless without harming another…that’s their right…however, should their recklessness touch the life or lives of others in a harmful manner, this recklessness becomes everyone’s concern…

The only way we can better the world is by bettering ourselves…The only way we can change the world…is to change ourselves…We can alter the surge of the virus and put it in decline…by following the guidelines to do so…We can bring about justice in the world, by being a voice and activist against injustice…Just as John Lewis spent his entire life doing…and he ushered in and brought about change…crucial change in the fight for Civil Rights…Equality is not a privilege…but a human right! July says goodbye…I say make it your beginning…

We must all change the rhythm of the world…We must sing a more righteous and heartfelt song by changing the words and the melody to reflect the times…We cannot continue to live and function in a “dead” past.  We must choose life and advancement…

As July says goodbye, let August say “Hello, this month will make a difference, because, I will make that difference…”

You can…You will…You must…nothing will change, if you don’t.  You are the difference…Only you can change the course of this Pandemic…Injustice…Humanity…

Common sense…


Conquer and elevate the world to a better tomorrow…

Tomorrow is August…

A new month…a new beginning to make that change…





Nature Walks…

There is a beautiful natural park nearby, where I go to spend some time in nature…I walk through the forest where there are trails to walk and enjoy the scenery…


CA3162EE-E90C-4AB1-8C20-D66F2218D747DA6EED72-4BA5-4210-B13E-0C59DF04DEE1 It is a great place to meditate…to ponder…or just be…


Then…I saw other things that were out of place…and did not belong…

743E5A12-661C-4B8F-8D60-80CFA481B219    3794053A-9F18-4C90-832E-A3B029170B2E

A3581ACB-01F9-4614-A8F2-E89D60186D46        BF386B1B-DBA1-47E6-A0D2-7799948E69B3

FA516365-A300-4FB5-882B-FC909395ACB3           47F1EFDC-A903-426E-BC85-B003C60537B0

E3DE9CDC-967E-4561-B7A0-19FE1681049D      19F0588B-379E-40D7-ABB5-63D6A91037E3

CFD06647-73E4-44A6-A787-CD6F2C52529D   This should not be the way to “reward” nature for its beauty…Keeping our environment free of litter is a small price to pay to enjoy it…Our planet is not our dumping ground or trash bin…When we take our dogs out for walks…the bags should be placed in a bin…not left on the ground…and water can be used on the spot to wash it down before it dries unsightly, and stains…

If we cannot respect and take care of our planet and environment…how can we take care of one another?

Our planet and environments are alive with life…supporting life…just as we are being supported and given homes…food…the air that we breathe…

Wouldn’t it be devastating and life threatening if our planet decided it no longer wanted to support human life? Makes one wonder….

Please…think twice about that cup…wrapper…cigarette carton…disposable mask …gloves…dog waste…do the right thing…use a trash bin…don’t destroy our natural landscapes and forests…streams and rivers…lakes and oceans…nature walks… with litter and waste.

Love extends itself to our planet…Please…Take care of Her….

The beauty of Nature is a gift…

Show that we can be thankful…

Imagine what the world would be…

Without a walk in Nature….





Random Acts of Kindness…

Random acts of kindness are surfacing in the midst of our troubling, worldly woes…It is beautiful…and it is what being human is all about…

When you witness it…or become a recipient of it…it is awesome, indeed! It doesn’t matter how large or how small the kindness…kindness isn’t measured in quantity…it’s measured in heart…

Today I was running an errand, and it took me through a toll booth…as the car ahead of me moved away…I moved forward to the cashier to pay my toll…He said, “You’re free to go.  The car ahead of you paid your toll!”  Wow!  I was floored…goodness was still making its rounds through the hearts of loving, selfless, thoughtful people… 

I wanted to somehow thank that wonderful giver-of passage-through-the toll-person…The stop light at the top of the exit assisted in my wish…it turned red.  I was right behind them, and I waved and said “Thank you” hoping they would see me in their rear view mirror…They did…and waved back.  My day was made…

After telling my story later that day, I was told of another story of a woman in a neighborhood market, who had bought a week’s worth of groceries, and only had $50.00 on her card to pay for it, and her card was rejected…the person behind her in line, stepped up and paid the entire bill! We all know the price of a week’s worth of groceries…$50.00 does not take care of it…

Random Acts of Kindness…

The world in all of its present misery, restriction and chaos is evolving to another level…a level of realization that is turning on the lights in hearts everywhere…shining brightly to reveal that we are all in this together…and we can all get through this together…by being there for one another… As it should be…always…

Random Acts of Kindness are blessings we can always give…and receive…with compassion and love…It is our reason to be…it is the way of love….

We must strive to always keep our hearts open…

Random Acts of Kindness are a part of our love contribution to humanity…

Indulge in kindness frequently…make someone’s day with your offering of love…

Random Acts of Kindness…elevate our consciousness to a supreme level of giving…because we give unconditionally…without thought…and without reservation…

Our Random Acts of Kindness, blesses the recipient…and it blesses our hearts and spirits…

Our Random Acts of Kindness reverberates through the Cosmos…It touches every molecule of Creation…

Partake…Make it a part of your daily routine…A smile…a word of encouragement…opening the door for someone…Random Acts of Kindness…

It doesn’t cost a thing…to be kind….

Remember…it’s not the quantity…it’s the quality…the selflessness of giving.

Whatever you choose to give in kindness…do it with love.

Random Acts of Kindness…

A return to Love…in the Age of Corona…

Accident or Nature’s test of Humanity?

Random Acts of Kindness…

Our Blessings…Our Miracles…

Our return to Love….




via Seriously?!




What has to happen to get people to take Covid-19  seriously?! I went shopping at Walmart today, and before going inside, I saw a man without a mask, and a random woman walked up to him, without a mask, and started asking him questions… After asking her questions, she thanked him, and walked towards the entrance…Maybe they were exchanging the virus, instead of information…

Once inside, everyone within view had on masks, and some, like myself, also wore gloves… Then it happened! I started seeing people without masks! I wondered how they got inside the store, because right on the entrance, it is posted that masks are mandatory to enter the store! They also have someone monitoring at the door, to make sure a mask is on your face before entering the store…


Are they entering the store from the Gardening department or some other unmanned entrance? Or are they being “clever” and removing their face coverings after they enter the store?

Can this be another reason for the unexplained spikes of the virus?

My niece and I had a conversation today about people not taking this pandemic seriously…She is 20 years, and she said that the young people in California aren’t taking this seriously… She is practicing social distancing…wearing gloves… wearing masks…sometimes two masks she said…she’s on hold from working…she’s concerned and worried that people’s lives are hanging in the balance because everyone should care for themselves…and others.

Seriously…everyone must cooperate with due diligence if we are going to emerge from this with a chance at being able to enjoy our tactile ways of living again…virus-free means mask-free…and that will come about when a vaccine is tested and deemed safe and available to the public…which is in the works… until then, we must practice the protocols required to protect us from this deadly illness…

To those who are doing your part and being mindful of others as well as yourself, you are to be commended, once again…

Please, please…think about those who are doing the right thing by you, as well as themselves…in wearing masks…gloves…and social distancing…

Seriously…our lives are in one another’s hands…literally.

We have all been charged to be our brothers and sisters keepers…
We have been called unanimously to serve one another in kindness and compassion…The ending of this pandemic depends upon everyone doing their part to be a better version of themselves…by doing the right thing…by being selfless in thinking of others…while protecting yourselves…

Seriously…can we make the grade?

What do you think?

We will see…








Today, I learned another valuable insight on the road to self-awareness and self-realization…It is imperative to let go of fear…Fear robs one of many opportunities to grow and prosper in spirituality.  In order to grow, we must also free ourselves from “expectation.”

Part of Love’s evolutionary process is “UN-conditionality.”  Everyone…and every situation we encounter in life is rich with blessings…We must learn to “let go” and let God show us “The Way.” We as humans hold on to so much worthless “fodder” believing it to be what is priceless…Material things…Money…They are not priceless…They are the foundation upon which we build our fears…believing these “things” to be Priceless…

Love…Honesty…Truth…Integrity…Love…Loyalty…Honor…Love…Truth to Self…Faith…Love…Surrender…Unconditional…Love…Believe…True to Others…Love…Compassion…Love…Love…Love…

A few of the off-shoots of Love…

These are all branches from the Tree of Love…Yes…as there is a Tree of Life…There is also a Tree of Love…

When a realization opens up another avenue of Light within, it is then we know that we have opened up another path to the “better” of our being…Nothing compares to that ray of “knowing” that emerges…

Insights are our building blocks of Change…

When we change ourselves…we change the world.

Never corrupt Love with “expectation.”

Never measure Love with conditionality…

Never barter…compromise…or cheapen Love by manipulation…

Never violate the sanctity of Love by using it to gain…

Once you understand “The Way”, Love will unfold in all of its glory and transformation…in miracles inconceivable to human comprehension…


Powerful realizations…

They change us…and empower us…

To change the world…



Sometimes without consciously knowing why…we are sent messages…messages to be shared that can change one life…or change millions…sometimes we receive messages that convey to us that there are forces at work that we just can’t conceive really as existing…until we are sent a message…

On July 1, 1991, I was in Germany…I laid down to sleep that night…I wrote a poem the next day…recalling the dream I had that night…I would like to share it with you now…

“Light of Love”

Another Light went out today…

The Lord, He called him home to stay…

This Light was truly special, you see…

He came in Love, and gave endlessly.

Born an only child with a negative start

He turned his life around with his lightness of heart

He learned to laugh by taking it all in stride…

And won the hearts of millions…

By letting them look inside…

He used his humanness to tell poignant stories…

Tales of Prejudice…Courage…and ultimate glories…

He cherished the union of family…

Extending this warmth to include you and me.

This beautiful spirit will be missed by all…

His courage and strength, will forever stand tall.

I fell asleep last night, not knowing his fate…

And we laughed and chatted…walking towards Heaven’s Gate…

He spoke of Dan Blocker with mischief and fondness in his eyes…

Recalling many pranks…and friendship ties…

After strolling memory lane, Victor French came by…

I told Victor would take him the rest of his way…

I could not take him…Right here, I had to stay…

As they walked the Highway to Heaven…I watched…and cried…

It was then I knew…Michael Landon had died…

The morning of July 2, 1991, I was actually in the car with some friends, on the way to Berlin, when the international news came on, and the announcer said, “Michael Landon lost his battle with cancer last night…He was 54…”I felt a cold chill go down my back… I remembered thinking all the while we were together, “What’s going on here? Why am I walking with Michael Landon? Why is he chattering so, and why are we walking through this neighborhood, with him pointing out Dan Blocker’s home, and telling me these stories?” Perhaps it was the Universe giving me a bird’s eye view into life after death…that nothing dies…just changes.

Here we are again…back to “changes.”

Messages are powerful streams of consciousness…opening our vision to the vastness of what IS…

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility… We must learn to see that…and believe it.

We can change our world…We can create a “better.”  A better that extends itself to everyone…from beginnings initiated by you…and me…

What messages have you received that you can transfer to yourself and the world, to create and make a change for…”The Better?”

What gem has the Universe sent your way that can make a world of difference? Take a moment and reflect what has passed before you today…something that you may have missed…due to your indifference…or self-absorption…something, that would make a difference in one life…or millions.

Play back the tape in your mind…there is a message or two…that went over your head…where if you were to recall the events of your day…it would be right there…waiting…like an open book…offering its wisdom…knowledge…and healing…

Welcome the messages…you were chosen as the vessel of “Messenger.”

Release the message…become the “Deliverer” to one life…or…millions…

Sleep on it….


Let Freedom Ring…by lifting up our voices…and joining in unity to unite a country founded for freedom…

Let Freedom Ring…by taking to the streets and protesting…that Black Lives Matter…indefinitely…

Let Freedom Ring…by standing up against Racism…Racial Disparity…Racial Injustice…Discrimination…with heart…soul…and conviction…

Let Freedom Ring…Challenge and dissolve Hatred with Love…Go toe-to-toe to pulverize and sweep Prejudice…into oblivion…

Let Freedom Ring…Do away with the Elephantine Dissidents…and their leader who crashed the Oval Office…by Voting Them All Out…come November 2020…

Let Freedom Ring…Be vigilant and protective of yourself and others in practicing social distancing and wearing face masks during this worldwide, new plague… named Covid-19…here to rob you of your freedom…and perhaps…take your life…


This is the Proclamation…The Declaration of Independence is just the tip of the iceberg…

Independence is the fact or state of being independent…Independent means being free from outside control not depending on another’s authority… question all sources that strive to take away  freedom…from inside country…or outside of the country.  The price of sacrificing independence is too great to sit back in blank acceptance of any challenge against the right of independence…and freedom.

Always choose to fight the good fight…This …Is…Independence!

July 4th, 1776, established a way of life…a way of freedom…a way of independence…meant for every man, woman and child, living in America…Look deeper into its meaning…it was deeper than just fighting the British for independence…

Remember your honor…remember your freedom…A high price was paid…and is still being paid…for Independence…

Don’t throw it away…

Happy 4th of July…America.

a day

July 2020
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