Choose You…

This political party…that political party…following darkness…embracing lies…promoting hatred…endorsing the fall of humanity…selling souls for the material “things” that are nothing more than “tangible” illusions because they cannot be taken with you…nor will they follow you into the disembodied existence of what is beyond earthly manifestation…

Why follow the paths of those who are leading you away from promoting goodness and light in the world?

What you must come to realize is your path and purpose surpasses those whose mission it is…is to lead you from creating better in the world…and the lives of others…why choose evil? Why play ignorant? Why join the destroyers? You know who they are…you allow them to control you by fear and false promises…they are known as “soul eaters.” We have watched and witnessed some of the most dangerous cast their nets over many…

Trump…McConnell…and every constituent and politician subscribing to and drinking their koolaid are instrumental in destroying the American ideals of real and true freedom and individual dreams of the freedom to prosper…mentally…physically…emotionally…and spiritually…

When are you going to choose…you?

Without the support of the people…political rhetoric would be cast down into oblivion.

Choose You.

Your “sheep mentality” is leading you to slaughter…

Stop being lead by those who care nothing about you…just your power to ultimately give them their agenda…

America has turned into a political party battle ground…if the GOP had not sold their “balls”, and the Democrats had not bartered their “courage”, 2016 through 2020, and January 6, 2021…would have never come into being!

Don’t choose evil…don’t choose lies…believe your ears and eyes…and choose you!

Change is progress…change away from the past guarantees humankind a place in the future to move forward…

Dealing with and endorsing life already lived…is dealing with…and endorsing the “Devil.” After all the word “lived” is the “devil” spelled backwards…

Devil contains the word “evil.” So does the word lived…

Going backwards is “evil.”

Having lived something and choosing to go back is evil…

Living in the past only destroys the present…leaving no path to begin a future…

Leave the Devil behind….

Stop advancing evil…

Choose better…

Choose change…

Choose America over seedy politicians on both sides of the aisle!

Stop crucifying and abandon and ousting politicians on both sides of the aisle who have shown you up until the 2016 election…that they truly love America and not political parties, by choosing their constituents (you) and America first…everyone knows who they are…and were ousted because they were a threat to those “Devil” politicians who continue to lead many astray…for the benefit of themselves…without punishment…before tossing you under the bus…once they secure and use your power of the vote.

Choose You…

Or continue to watch the rise of a nation that doesn’t include you…while it abruptly descends into the abyss of self-destruction….

The choice is…Yours.

What We Carry With Us…

There is something about the spirit that keeps us alive…

It is our life’s blood throughout life…and beyond.

My mom now lives in spirit…She transcended this world for the next stage of spiritual evolution six years ago…Now, every time August 5th makes its way around each year…I remember her spirit…her laughter…her love…her special magic!

Sometimes I wonder about how she would view the way that life is going on now…

How people have lost their spirits…how they just go along to get along…

How they have forgotten the true grit and determination of the ancestors…

How they follow like sheep…and drink the kool-aid with delight as it poisons their senses…

How they have surrendered their freedom to those who seek only to exploit and deceive to further their own selfish agendas…

Then I remember that she doesn’t concern herself with such mundane events…why should she?

She lived through the chaos…and now…she is free to roam the heavens and claim her glory!

I miss her…I don’t believe I will ever not miss her…

I am thankful for what she has given me in love…experiences…and the adventure of how to navigate the ocean of life…

It is what we carry with us…that keeps us on our path…that is our compass…until we are free to roam the heavens…and claim our glory!

Until then…let us always remember and celebrate our ancestors…and the special people who nurtured us…and taught us right from wrong…and gave us the directional to be our better selves and put the best of ourselves into the world… to uplift and better humanity…

This August 5th…that is what I have been remembering…in honoring the day my mother came into her earthly existence…while remembering that no matter how dark this life appears at present…we can always put forth the effort of clearing the way for the light to find us…

We carry the torch of freedom….

Come In, August…Bring Life…Change…And Second Chances…

As we enter the eighth month of the year…we must come to the realization that only the “living” have the ability to change…make change…and create second chances…

Staying rooted in the Past is to wither and die.

To promote the past is to sustain the “living dead”…the “Zombies” we know too well…

Mitch McConnell..

Lindsey Graham…

Donald Trump…

Clarence Thomas…

Joe Manchin…

Kyrsten Sinema…

Amy Coney Barrett…

Neil Gorsuch…

Brett M. Kavanaugh…

Samuel Alito, Jr. …

The specific individuals named are stuck in a place that history is trying to move past…they are all blatantly abusing power and public trust to the detriment of our country…and they are followed by many who are convinced that joining the “living dead” is the place to be…so they have willingly surrendered their power to create positive change for the continuity of life and the life of the planet for which we are only guardians…who cannot reciprocate the gifts of life Earth provides…How sad to utilize free-will to condemn and destroy!

Progress and Change are the only elements which will influence the present course of our nation from further division…chaos…and destruction. Until the Past is laid to rest and progress is embraced and implemented for the betterment of all…every month will be an extension of the months before with every tragedy magnified and increased in severity and continuity…becoming more entrenched in the darkness many believe we have overcome…and left behind. With politicians rehashing the Past as the perfect place to be…and those who follow…America is losing her fight for…Freedom.

When America can progress beyond her past with healing and progressive change…she will have a chance at “greatness.”

When that day arrives…there will be no more Mitch McConnells…Lindsey Grahams…Donald Trumps…Clarence Thomases…Joe Manchins…Kyrsten Sinemas…Amy Coney Barretts…Neil Gorsuches…Brett M. Kavanaughs…Samuel Alito, Jrs. …No GOP members who lack the courage to tell the truth…and put country before Party…No Democrat politician on the Hill who lacks the courage to stand up to derelict Republicans and derelict Democrats who have intentionally lost their direction of purpose in serving their constituents by serving up justice as is written in the Constitution, to relieve them of the duties they swore to uphold.

Democracy is threatened by the lack of courage in politicians to thoroughly uphold the Constitution…by deliberately failing it…and creating ways to move around it. It is a true sign of weakness, along with trying to convince the country that lies are truth…and the truth is lies… Freedom and Democracy can do nothing more than crumble in such an environment.

The “party” system of government must be elevated to truly implement a government for the people by the people…

When we understand that each one of us has the ability to bring about change…second chances and the continuity of life…each month that comes and goes will reflect the realization of progress with the lifting of our voices by protecting and using our power…We the People…give derelict politicians the power…to sink America…

Time to take back that power…

August is a great month for a national “Tea Party.”

Life is freedom…

America is right back where she started…

Only the enemy is not the British…

It’s “fellow Americans”…

Come in, August…..

a day

August 2022
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