A Matter of Choice…

Everyday we are faced with making choices…and accepting the consequences of our choices…good or not so good outcomes…however, our choices just the same.

No one can make us do anything…they can present us with choices…which we ultimately will settle by making our choice, weighing the consequences of our choice, before we make it.

Some people choose to believe, demonstrate and declare that they are being forced into making choices that may or may not be agreeable to them or their lifestyle…. Taking that stance and making such accusations and assumptions free their conscience from taking responsibility for making a choice…any choice…especially if they view it as unfavorable to them.

Life is made up of moments and choices. Free-will is always exercised no matter how dire the outcome or circumstance…or how wonderful or brilliant the yield may be in making choices.

Very rarely do our choices not touch the lives and circumstances of others. Many choose (there it is again, “choice”) to believe that their choices do not affect anyone or anything other than themselves…

Not true.

Just because that is your belief and you do not always look beyond your choices, doesn’t make your choice solely unto you. The universe is based on connectivity to all things great and small…

So when you make your choices in life, consider the responsibility. Choices direct lives…make lives…take lives…destroy lives…break lives…give lives…extend lives…spare lives…respect lives…appreciate lives…humble lives…restore lives…

Strive to make the best possible choices and understand the consequences…and take responsibility.

Responsibility is also a Matter of Choice….

Live…and make responsible choices…

Don’t blame others…for the choices you make…

Your life…your choices.

Every choice creates a thread…

Every thread connects a life…moment…or universe.

Be grateful for the journey…

And create a “better.”

It’s your choice……


Being thankful to give is the message today…

People hold the fate of the world in the palm of their hands. When we realize that being thankful means what we give to the world…not what we take from it…is the meaning of true “Thanksgiving,” we will see a new light of positivity emerge in the world and in our lives.

We must take a step back and take a good look around our created worlds which we have created within the reality of what is going on around us…truly…with honesty and reflection. What can you give to the world that will change your life and the lives of others in a most positive way…to ensure that the world keeps on turning…healing…and giving us the very air that we breathe?

What can we give to someone…anyone…to improve upon their condition of struggle…adversity…pain…or add to the smiles and selfless giving that does, somehow, seem to find you…in your moments of empty nothingness that strikes like a viper in the most inopportune of moments?

Giving thanks is more than sitting down at a dinner table and sharing a meal…one day out of the year. Understand the message of Covid-19…How appreciative are we of our times spent with loved ones and friends? Until we fully understand the meaning of “family”…of “friends”…of human connectivity…and how we mock the gift of life by holding selfish beliefs above selfless giving…the world will continue to experience loss in life…and loss… in humanity….

Give thanks in being capable of giving…

Give thanks in what you have been given…in goodness and wisdom…that you can pass on in contributing to make the world whole and give it strength in supporting life and adding longevity to its journey of existence in our galaxy.

The Earth does not restrict or withhold in giving her gifts of life…Why must we?

Thanksgiving is so much more than what it is chosen to represent…

Give thanks for “Thanks-In-Giving.”

Give thanks that you can….

Everyday we are given another day of life…

Another day to give thanks….

Another day to give…

Another day to be thankful…and understand…everything we have…was given.

Everyday…is Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving…

Happy Thanks-In-Giving!!!!

The Monotony of Madness…

Here we are…the 11th month of the year…one month away from the close of another twelve months. Where are we? Step away from your life for one moment and ponder the thought, “Where are we?” How far has America progressed in the course of this year? Have we made any strides toward unifying the ocean of divide that runs through the cracks, fissures and gorges left behind by those sworn to rebuild and revitalize a country still riddled by the monotony of madness they created and continue to cultivate?

It is crucial that our structure of government and politicians past and present be carefully and meticulously scrutinized and held to accountability…unless their monotony of madness has become the American way of life, and living marginally is acceptable!

Late night hosts make jokes…

People are caught up in rebellion and protests about their “rights”…while Covid continues to find them…and lay “their rights” to rest…permanently.

The surge of weather changes which people in denial continue to relay as “normal changes which occur every 100 years” are swept away by floods, waves, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other dire demonstrations of nature…caused by man’s interference…resulting in climate change…which is well on it’s way to restructuring the planet…and human life.

Where does that leave us?

Stuck…in the Monotony of Madness….

a day

November 2021
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