June In…June Out…

June In…

Brought many realizations of what still plagues humanity and how we must continually work on bringing about change in the direction of History and our relationships to other human beings….

The Tulsa Massacre happened one hundred years ago, in 1921…and brought to light numerous other massacres of Black communities in the past…Chicago 1919…Springfield 1908…East St. Louis 1917…Vicksburg 1874…Slocum 1910…Colfax 1873…Opelousas 1868…Thibadaux 1887…Elaine 1919…Clinton 1875…Rosewood 1923…St. Bernard Parish 1868…New Orleans 1866…Memphis 1866…Atlanta 1906…Detroit 1943…New York 1863…Washington DC 1919…Philadelphia 1985…Wilmington 1898…Charleston 2015…Eufaula 1874…Camila 1868…Ocoee 1920…and the Fort Pillow Massacre on April 12, 1864 by Confederate troops.

Being a “silent witness” is as damaging as committing the crimes… Ask yourself this question…If you were the recipient of an atrocity being committed and someone stood by and watched…or knew the perpetrator(s) or witnessed the acts of the perpetrator(s), would it be alright with you if they did nothing with this knowledge that could hold those accountable for their horrific actions?

The Past cannot and will not stay buried when injustices are committed and lives are wiped out and the consequences of taking those lives affects the lives of their generational families for the rest of their lives…robbing many of generational wealth and land…in businesses destroyed and land taken in these massacres…“Reparations” can never measure up to what was lost…however, Restitution must be in order in any and every form in accountability and righting the wrongs that continue into these moments in time… These are stains on the soul of this nation that can never be erased…sins that can only be forgiven by heartfelt and demonstrated Acts of Contrition… Telling Americans of African heritage to “get over it” is like asking Americans of Jewish heritage to “get over the Holocaust.” How can you ask someone to “get over” massacres of their family and loved ones? How can one ask someone to erase these horrors and traumas from their minds and person? How can anyone live in denial of atrocities that treat specific human beings as if they were less than the dirt beneath their feet? Let us not forget that “soil” is dirt…and it yields the food that nourishes and keeps all life on this planet…alive.

June In…brought in a realization that Juneteenth was celebrated by Ikea by presenting a celebratory meal of Fried Chicken, Watermelon, Mac N Cheese, Potato Salad, Collard Greens and Candied Yams…all stereotypical, perceived foods eaten by African American people…Entertaining ignorance instead of researching authenticity and the history of the occasion and the vast cuisine which extends itself across the spectrum of African heritage existing, but not limited to, the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and other countries around the globe… These mindsets continue to limit and marginalize the true expansion and influence of African ancestry and its contributions to American life.

June In…brought in the very stark realization that as a people, we are still in chaos over old issues that will continue to plague our society and the world…if we continue to walk in ignorance…and not in truth. Our disappointments and sins will continue to grow and follow us from century to century if we do not confront them and face them with a heart bent on rectification and alleviation of that which creates the injustices and inequalities still present and functioning throughout our nation…as a perceived “life blood” of preservation…when it is the very poison that may well consume and destroy the dream of America…

June Out…brings another month to build and rebuild upon the dream of America…To consciously put in the work….become a viable part of the Reconstruction of a nation that holds more promise in demonstrated change than hope…more love than hate…and more union than disunion and division.

June Out… brings July and Independence Day…

Our Independence should begin with the removal of the shackles we allow to bind our spirits and our abilities to herald in changes that will grant freedom from self-imposed prisons of self creation when we choose not to challenge archaic mindsets and constituents which work to keep the chains tightening around our necks…instead of accepting the changes which will serve and uplift us into becoming “The Land of the Free.”

Freedom isn’t elusive…

Independence…is Freedom.

“June out”…..

Tomorrow Is Today…and Everyday Hereafter…

Tomorrow Is Today…and Everyday Hereafter…

Thoughts on Juneteenth were going to be held until the following day…and thoughts and reflections continued on to the next day…and the next, which is today…however, the thoughts and reflections continue…

Juneteenth…Emancipation of enslaved African Americans…

The biggest problem with holidays are they are “celebrated” for one day and then they disappear into oblivion…until the next year.  The events that constitute the creation of holidays in the first place should never be forgotten…ever! Whatever wrongs were committed should always be in the forefront of every celebrant’s mind…thoughts…words…and deeds as not to repeat the travesties and horrific events of history ever again…We cannot become better as human beings or humanity if we do not constantly work on eliminating the worst of ourselves in how we relate to one another and the life around us.

It has been only 156 years since the Emancipation Proclamation of 1865…The Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment cannot erase over 400 years of Slavery here in the United States, or the inhumanity visited upon those enslaved or their ancestors who continue to be treated with great atrocities to this day, inclusive of murders, lynching, inequality of economic prosperity, the destroying of communities and generational economic wealth, in dollars and land, also in theft and outright taking it away without accountability or protection from the government…Massacre after massacre…after massacre continually committed against Americans of African ancestry…always excusing such horrific behaviors away with “White Privilege” which is nothing more than evil with a free pass encompassed by fear possessed inferiority, and it extends itself to anyone perceived as a threat that does not look like the “norm of acceptability.”

It is not “color” that dictates the viability and superiority of any person… Superiority is a tool that is used to deflect inferiority…Those who possess souls do not wish to destroy life…or oppress the lives of others…to do so is to destroy and oppress the life which is their own…

Accountability to right horrific wrongs is generational…Racism is ended or continued with each successive generation…What is committed by one generation can be ended and made right by the next…instead of passing it off as not an offense created by the incoming generation…it continues to be an offense on each new generation…until someone stands up to realize that to keep putting the worst foot forward in denial continues to poison the well and stagnate any progress of humanity’s progression beyond the fate of the Dinosaurs….

Tomorrow is today…and everyday hereafter…

Bringing the complexities of Racism into the light of day will continue everyday hereafter because it is long past time to right the wrongs of this country’s “Original Sin.”

Thoughts will continue on Juneteenth and the aftermath of what continues to emerge as consequences to holding onto and practicing Racism here in America.

The politics of this country are not only entrenched in retaining economic power…they are fueled by Racism and exclusivity…and it is choking the life out of America…

Tomorrow is Today…and everyday hereafter deprives us of longevity…because of the refusal to let Freedom ring….  

Honoring Dad…

Honoring Dad today…

There is no gift in the world that can honor dads everywhere…than Time…

Material gifts come and go…but the gift of time is precious…Memories are made that will stand the test of time and stay locked in the vault of your heart forever…

Tell your dad how much you love them…an eternal gift that goes hand and hand with spending time…

Maybe your dad has past on from this life to the next…you can still honor him…and spend time with him…and tell him how much he means to you…and how he still lives on…in you.

Cherish the best moments…

And remember that no matter how you see your dad…super human…or super cut up…He is still your dad…he’s human…he makes mistakes…as we all do…Honor him with time…and love…be it in person…across the miles…or across the universe… Give him the gift of you.

Happy Father’s Day to fathers everywhere…We honor you.

Life is a challenge…just like being a Father…

Wear the title with honor…and earn the gift of Time….


I have mixed feelings and so much to list in the areas of Accountability…Justice…Equality…Reparations…Annihilation of a Race…just to name a few…Let’s enjoy this National Holiday….More to come on “Juneteenth” tomorrow….

To Vaccine…or Not To Vaccine? That Is Not The Question…That Is A Choice…

To Vaccine…or Not To Vaccine? That Is Not The Question…That Is “A Choice.”

Has it really come down to this?!

A Federal judge ruled against more than 100 Houston hospital workers who stand to lose their jobs by termination…if they don’t get vaccinated.

The lawsuit the employees brought against the hospital said that the administrators requesting the vaccination mandate were in violation of the Nuremberg Code of 1947; comparing the vaccine demand to Nazi medical experimentation on concentration camp prisoners during World War II.

The lawsuit also stated that the hospital administrators were forcing its employees to be ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment…

The ten points of the Nuremberg Code deal with human experimentation and the ethics involved in experimentation.

There is a fine line here…

The actual conception of the vaccine with human subjects and their consent and the ethics involved would be applicable use the Nuremberg Code in a lawsuit if violations occurred with the actual human experimentation testing protocol with the vaccine test subjects…

Using the Nuremberg Code outside of these measures is a fine line….

The real issue here is “freedom of choice” with the situation presented…

The choices reveal the consequences which we must be prepared to take.

The fact about taking any medication subjects its user or recipient to be a ‘guinea pig.’ However, the medication is taken in most cases without really giving consideration to this very real conclusion.  One does not know how one’s biological organism (their body) will react to any drug…that is why side effects are listed, and questions asked about allergies and reactions…even aspirin! Yet, people take their medications and vaccines, as a medical professional may prescribe…if it is going to render them better by eliminating the symptoms which trigger or cause the “dis-ease” within them.

It is again, a matter of choice on the individual’s part to indeed partake… Standing strong on principles and values are always subject to consequences.

“Choice” is called upon to deliver the consequences of our actions…choices made and accepted by our own making…not the making of someone…or something else.

In choosing not the take the vaccine in this instance of the Houston Methodist Hospital employees…They can choose to quit…and seek out employment elsewhere…or stay…and take the vaccine.  Let it be your decision and your choice…your consequence…not a dictation or demand, your choice.  However it plays out, inalienable rights and freedom are not synonymous…inalienable rights should be justifiable enough…yet they are not…Freedom is supposed to be guarantee in The Land of the Free…yet, it is only another word for nothing left to lose…

Our individual rights depend upon our individual choices…with like minds standing together to ensure those collective freedoms…and protecting them.

Because it is most likely that the employees at this hospital are “at will” employees, they are subjected to the hospital’s policies of “at will” employment.

If the employees did not sign contracts stating the conditions of their employment, inclusive of what the employee’s stipulations are regarding being vaccinated against viruses, bacterial infections or other illness, in order to keep their positions…they have an uphill battle in the works. 

Creating a condition to force people into vulnerable positions to make choices against their better judgment is an infringement upon their inalienable rights…an area that possesses numerous loopholes to challenge….

The challenging situations that the pandemic has produced have given way to behaviors that are archaic in mutual conclusions beneficial to everyone involved…

These “forcible” tactics will change much of the population’s mind about taking the vaccine…and it will lead to another surge…worse in some areas than before…

The vaccine would help if people can choose for themselves…this way will only allow the virus to morph into mutations which will be deadlier…stupidity is predictable on all levels…

It is most unfortunate that society is going backward…Freedom of choice…what happened?

Who let the Covid-19 fanatics loose to exercise methods that dictate the corralling of freedom of choice to take the vaccine…or not to take the vaccine?

Choices to protect oneself and others against becoming infected should be kept into place, such as masking and sanitizing, as a compromise to those who are on the fence about the vaccination…those who are set against the vaccination…and those who are slow in getting the vaccine.

Those who choose not to vaccinate may very well become infected…or not.. if they protect themselves masking and sanitizing until enough people are vaccinated to render the pandemic to a status of a “cold” or “flu” yearly routine occurrence…

Just remember that choices produce consequences…and the consequences will be the test of one’s choices…

To vaccine…or not to vaccine…your choice…your consequences…


Either way…

Conditions on your freedom… is the consequence.

Finding Peace In A Nation Of Chaos…

The simplicity of living was taken away from us with the implementation of rules and laws that are formulated and designed to take away our peace and limit our freedoms… while the majority just want to live a life of quality, peace and happiness…others wish to create chaos and keep our nation in a state of flux…along with the lives of the average citizen.

If inalienable rights were really honored, freedom would be undeniable and enforced for all people living in the United States…regardless of Race, Color, or Creed…the inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness would be the golden law of the land, and preserved and protected at all costs…for everyone.

The America we live in today would not exist as a divided land of conscience…if inalienable rights…peace…freedom…equality…liberty…and happiness, reigned in the “Land of the Free.”

Every citizen of this country…regardless of Race, wears shackles…and are slaves to something…someone…real or imaginary…and they keep the cycle of discontent moving…moment to moment…minute by minute…hour by hour…day by day…week by week…year by year…decade to decade…century to century…and beyond…until it builds up such complexity of contagion and spiral webs so tangled…it holds generations captive…with only a few managing to escape the chaos and turmoil to build real and true lives of peace…if ever.

What is real…and what is true? If living in America has taught us anything…it has shown us that history is not reliable, lacking much in what is real and what is true…That anyone can be bought…sold…bartered…traded…and robbed of life…liberty…and the pursuit of happiness…Some victimized themselves by selling their souls…some quite innocently victims…because of the color of their skin…Just ask those who were brought over in shackles because of their looks and color…and ask those who were indigenous and free…loved and honored the land…before they were deemed “savage”…exterminated…with the remaining put on Reservations….

Finding peace in chaos means identifying the chaos and putting an end to it.

Finding peace means when the chaos is identified…the courage to end it must be present…willing and able…to put an end to it…for the sake of peace.

To identify the chaos…one must first seek out the chaos in themselves.  Find the courage to end it once it is identified…and start incorporating peace within…to bring it without…

Once that is done…like-minded individuals begin to emerge on the scene to create peace within communities and chaotic organizations and institutions that create laws and rules designed to keep people suppressed…joyless…prisoners of social, economic and governing disparities, in order to control and regulate the quality of life, while dangling half-eaten carrots under the noses of citizens…who dream of a life of simple pleasures with the means to enjoy life…liberty…and the pursuit of happiness…which is their inalienable right…and their peace.

These laws that are being put into place to suppress specific voters are just the beginning of the end…the end of a young country still battling to find peace.

Being led like sheep to the slaughter only intensifies the chaos and secures a countdown to the end of Democracy… Don’t be fooled…the right hand is keeping the left hand busy by blinding it to the truth of what is really going on. The “right hand” is the politicians running the country as they see fit…The ”left hand” is “We the People.”

We are not a country of “Democrats and Republicans.”  We are a country of people who want our lives to be something more than pieces on a chessboard maneuvered about in somebody else’s game…

Peace will be a struggle…but a battle worth fighting and winning.

Finding peace in a Nation of chaos is up to each and every one of us…

We can do it…

Our Nation awaits….

The Mark of Cain…

The Mark of Cain…

The Mark of Cain is not color…but “soulessness.”

Soulessness is one who is without a soul…

A soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being…or animal, regarded as immortal…

That which is immortal lives forever…never dying or decaying.

That which is immortal…does not take life…or end life…without Divine decree… Even then, Divine Decree is the only Source which reserves that judgment.

Soulless entities disregard all judgments and universal laws…they do not function beyond their own existence…relevancy of anything or any being beyond their scope of existence is of no consequence to them…However, their existence and deeds are judged…and they are held accountable according to Divine Decree and Judgment…Be it on Earth…or in Heaven.

Cain was soulless…His first thought was not to understand why God favored Abel’s offerings over his own…but to eliminate his brother whom he viewed as an “adversary.”  Where was the brotherly love? Where was the reasoning? Better still, where was the acceptance of God’s Choice?

Cain used his choice of “free-will” to murder his brother.  He embraced envy…jealousy…and hatred…and used these elements as encouragement to take his brother’s life, without reflection.

In our recount of history and our own experiences in everyday living, we have seen more than an overabundance of the actions and results of the soulless living among us…and the havoc they wreak in the destruction and taking of lives to enrich their own existences without conscience.  What is worst still are those who condone…keep silent…or turn away from the indiscriminate acts of these soulless creatures calling themselves “human beings.”

The mark that was placed upon Cain was not a color of skin…but a hollowness in his chest…where a soul should have been…the emptiness dwells in the eyes of the individual so afflicted…it directs their behavior…their thoughts…their words…their actions…their deeds…their entire being reflects the dead pool of their emptiness…a vacuous void of nothingness.

Why did God let Cain live?

As a reminder of what we can become should we choose to forfeit…sell or offer up our souls to Evil….

The cultivation of Love is the mission of Humanity…

Becoming Love…is the Journey of Enlightenment…

Soul Salvation is a choice…

Unless the choice… is the Mark of Cain….

Birthday Revelations…

Today is my birthday…and the birthday of countless more…It is also the day of a great revelation of hatred perpetrated upon a portion of our population…

Greenwood…The Tulsa Race Massacre…May 31, 1921 -June 1, 1921.

Hatred…is so much against God’s Will…and as such…no atrocity against any human life in the name of Hatred…ever goes unpunished…and never escapes God’s Wrath.

Birthday Revelations…

When one is granted another year of life…one must do all that they can…to appreciate life…and always vow to make life better…and to make the world…better.

Each and every one of us must realize that our purpose on this planet…is to leave a positive footprint…and to stand up to negativity in any form…and challenge it until it is gone from ever harming anyone…or anything…ever again.

With each birthday you are honored to celebrate…celebrate life…not only yours…but the life or lives that you save… It is your legacy to preserve life…to respect life…and to respect the way that God has given us free-will…not to harm or make decisions where your decisions infringe upon the lives and rights of others…

We must never give rise to atrocities and man’s inhumanity to man…The wrongs must be righted…and it starts with the coming of any new day…which happens to be someone’s birthday…someone’s revelation into making a better tomorrow…

Judgment is not in our hands…and if we are foolish enough to make it so…we will incur the Wrath of God…

One hundred years did not bury Greenwood…it was brought into the light of a time when this horrendous occurrence can be brought to justice…

Making excuses instead of standing up in accountability…will only result in a visit from the Hand of God…

The chaos and destruction will continue and will increase…until hearts take a stand in Truth…

Birthday Revelations…

Happy Birthday!

You have been given another year…

To save Humanity….

a day

June 2021
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