August Ends…September Morn….

The ninth month is upon us…tomorrow to be exact…August has been quite a month!

So much tribulation…so much loss of life! Afghanistan…Covid-19 Delta…. Hurricane Ida…Heatwaves…Fires…Floods…

Seems apocalyptic doesn’t it?

What will September bring?

Perhaps a change of energy is in order…Maybe we can ease some of the trials and tribulations by doing what we can to avoid hardships, resistance, and challenge…

Let’s take a moment to really take a look at situations we can influence to bring about less life loss…and give what we can to those less fortunate…knowing that at any given moment…we could be the one behind the eighth ball.

We must not give in and abandon our power to change what we can change…and meet challenge with viable solutions.  A country survives when its people come together to conquer what threatens the masses…whatever the source!

Let us bring in September with hope and encouragement…with positive thoughts…energy and actions. Take a good long look at what can be done to save the babies…the children…and ease burdens in this time of Covid…

Take a step back and examine how we can best serve those who have lost homes and livelihoods as a result of the floods…fires… political rivalry and dissension…

We must rebuild in any way possible…to restore faith in a country that is being ravaged and attacked from every direction…Nature…Man…Within…

Take a deep breath…another 30 days is about to begin…

Give it your best…give it honestly…but give…every ounce of change comes with a heart that is willing to make a difference for the betterment of all…

Are you willing?

A brand new start is coming with the rising sun…

Are you ready?

Autumn comes with September…

We will be reaping what we sow….

Blessed Are The Hearts…

“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.”

I wonder what Albert Camus was going through when he made this wonderful observation that is now a quote credited to him…

It is most applicable in these most dire times of our day to day living…

We must learn to teach our hearts to bend with the trials and tribulations that confront us from moment to moment, daily…or we will find ourselves overcome with the trauma of our hearts being broken…at every turn…and unless we know how to bend…we will surely perish under the onslaught…

In order to find the light at the end of tumultuous tunnels…we must become the light.

We must learn to see all sides of every situation…and choose to do what is best not only for ourselves…but for the good of others as well.

We must understand what breaks hearts…and not be a contributor in causing heartbreak for others, as well as ourselves.

In learning to bend our hearts to avoid heartbreak, we can also help others in learning to bend…It isn’t love that breaks hearts…it’s people…

Love is the great teacher…that helps us to bend…

In order to receive it we must open our hearts…

How do we understand love?

We graciously and unconditionally accept it…

And gift it to others…by sharing it…even in our darkest of times…because Love Is…and always will be…Humanity’s saving grace.

Blessed are the hearts that can bend…they shall never be broken…

For these are the hearts that have accepted the healing…bending…

And regenerative…Power of Love….

Today in America…and the world over…We need hearts to bend.

Can We Fix Us?

Nature has a way of finding balance when something is not instep with her creation…

Almost every living thing has a way of correcting its anomalies…except for humanity…Humans would rather control and destroy than adjust and balance…and seek harmony in support of preserving resources and coming up with safe and viable alternatives to depletion and sucking the life out of our planet which sustains and supports life without conditions.

We exploit this gift of sustained life by ignorance…greed…and denial…

Now every ignorance, act of greed and gain, and denial of the consequences of guardianship of Earth… have come to collect…balance…and even the score. These callous and egregious acts of humankind visited upon the planet…and one another in war and non-support of those in less developed countries have unleashed forces that are now out of human control as well as being too late to repair what has been damaged.

People continue to believe that they can beat Covid-19 with and without vaccines…without masks…social distancing and ignorance and denial of common sense and logic…which will wipe out half the population of the planet if these attitudes and foolish flaunting continue in their present manner.

Life on this planet was given the choice of continuing forward in the evolution of life for another geological age…or face extinction.

Governments are failing…Climate change is demonstrating its human-altered existence…and destruction capabilities…a pandemic is quickly taking the shape of the next human-cleansing plague…

Can We Fix Us?

Do we want to fix us?

Do we want to fix human mistakes to preserve and save the planet…Our life force?

Do we care enough to fix us???

Maybe we need more heatwaves, floods and earthquakes…More countries ravaged by war, displacing and claiming the lives of innocent men, women and children…

Maybe we need more corrupt and non-functioning government entities and self-serving politicians…maybe we need more insurrections…misinformed and cult controlled citizens…and election promises that never materialize…for instance, $50,000 in student loan forgiveness by President Biden…or total student loan forgiveness to give our country’s economy a real boost and people the opportunity to have a piece of American Pie…

Maybe we need another albatross around our necks to rise up and toss “tea into harbors” around the country in protest of “taxation without representation”…especially people of color…

Maybe we need to question our humanity…and have #MeToo accountability in every aspect of man’s inhumanity to every man, woman and child…who just want to live a peaceful, happy life without targeted cruelty…disrespect and hatred…

Can… We… Fix… Us?

Tune in…bring your popcorn…your compassion…your humanity…

And if there’s a crowd…and you’re indoors…

Maybe…just maybe…A Mask?

August 5, 2021…

What a day this has been…the only good thing about it…is it made me think of my mom…it would have been her birthday if she was still with us…I would have loved to call her…That would have made all the unpleasantries of this day…fade into oblivion!

Just to hear her voice…

I’ll just imagine…and celebrate anyway.

I feel better already….

You celebrate there in the heavens…and I’ll celebrate the thought of you here….

Thanks, Mom!!!

What Really Defines Greatness?

The greatness of an individual’s abilities to excel in their chosen sport or profession doesn’t rest solely on their physical prowess, skill, or achievements…

Making selfless choices and stepping out of the spotlight reveals true character…and a heart of gold….

Those who criticize…and even those who support…can miss the signs and the real picture behind the surprising turn of events of what took place regarding the American Women’s Gymnastics Team in Tokyo…

Let’s take a close look and look at what took place…

Maybe Mental Health was a cause…maybe, just a little… Perhaps the pressure of being the Greatest Of All Time and the heavy expectations of everyone that a team led by such a stellar individual would bring home team gold in every event…because she could…after all she was The G.O.A.T. !!! With those odds it was a no-brainer to everyone that the American Women’s Gymnastics Team would bring home the Gold across the board.

Suni Lee had a chance to shine at the Olympics…Mykayla Skinner was chosen as an unlikely alternate…her medal hopes dashed…having missed her chance to qualify her scores for becoming a member of the final competing team in Tokyo.

The other qualifying gymnasts on the American Women’s Team had the heart and talent to shine and spotlight their strengths and talent…apart from the greatest of all time…and she knew this…

Watching the videos she posted on Twitter of her back flop dismounts on the uneven parallel bars was all the convincing needed to show the world that she was suffering from the “twisties.” Then she took them down.

That’s when the light of truth came through…

This is the woman who has in the past, though in pain, and with unknown injuries…suffered through competing in the 2016 Olympics with a toe shattered in five places! A partially torn calf …two or three times…also a broken rib in 2016… a shoulder injury…to highlight a few.  

She wanted her teammates to experience the thrill of winning in an Olympic competition…and she stepped back…and let their skills and talents shine…

It could have been Mental Health…we need a spotlight and focus on Mental Health…across the board…it could have been “the twisties”…it could have been pressure and the weight of expectation…or it could have been the rarest of the rare hidden asset of being The Greatest Of All Time…being in possession of Universal Gold…A selfless…giving heart.

Think about it…give it some real and honest thought.

Not many would stay to cheer on and encourage their teammates…or watch them compete in events where she/he were the favored to bring home the gold…Many would have departed to nurse their wounds…or sulk in silence…or worse…

The greatest of all time has many skills…even skills that can mask the real compassion and motivation behind events to create opportunity… selfless character and spirit propels a Heart of Gold…

We must learn to step away from tearing down…criticism…hateful and envious comments…and learn to keep stones at our feet…instead of casting them in negativity and judgment…

We must learn to view at 360 degrees…taking in all angles…and all scenarios…with positive conclusions. That is when the clearer picture reveals itself…

The Greatest Of All Time…

Is having Humility…

That’s the key…

 To Greatness….  

a day

August 2021
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