Easter Sunday…

Resurrection…Renewal…Risen…March ends with Easter Sunday. A day reminding humanity that they were saved from everlasting damnation by the sacrifice the Son of Man made in giving His life for the forgiveness of their sins…and the gift of life eternal in belief and commitment to the Truth…Way…and Life that Christ came to demonstrate as the path to God.

When we look around us today, it is clear that once again chaos and living in “the world” has taken preference and precedence over the spiritual and soul salvation of humanity…

Time is not infinite…Time is human measurement…and the clock is running down. What is happening here on earth has reached a point of critical mass. The storms will keep coming and rising in intensity…

Truth will continue to make its presence known and it will no longer be cast in the shadows of lies masquerading as light…Selling Bibles will not change the Serpent into the Lamb…Evil will not disappear with ignorance…cowardice…or silence…Challenge is the way to dispel darkness…along with Change….

There are many paths which lead to only one destination.

Easter Sunday reminds us of the destination…

Reacquaint yourself with the destination…Choose your path with honest intention and reserve to get there, and along the way…Love one another…treat everyone the way that you would like to be treated…understand that in the eye of He/She that is held sacred in your heart…every living soul, entity and being existing on this planet and throughout the universe is the same…and this love encompasses all…and flows through all.

Photo by Italo Melo on Pexels.com

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Photo by Rodolfo Clix on Pexels.com

Peace is the Purpose…Love is the Answer…Easter Sunday…Salvation…..

Next Month…December.

Next month…December. Here we are…The end of the year…

What will December bring? What will December reveal about humanity?

Every month has brought in new realizations that becoming better…in who we are and what we do…is questionable as to what is revealed about human nature in the last eleven months which unfolds in revelations that…humankind is not coming together…but drifting further apart. There is an energy of abandonment making itself known in everything and all things…everywhere.

The wonderful thing about energy is it is capable of changing…becoming something better…more powerful…stronger…weaker…or chaotic… December is another month to become more conscious…more focused…more present…more aware…more solid with the intent to change…and recharge…for the better.

All is not lost…just without direction…and without direction, solidarity has no foundation…yet, it can be harnessed and fused together in commitment of purpose. December comes with an open heart to gain solidarity and foundation.

Let us use December to mend fences…with compassion and the spirit of remembering the joys of the season…brought forth in celebration of the season…in December.

Every new day…is a new beginning…Every new month…is a chance to cleanse from the last month…bring forth new energy to charge and change…to build and renew…Throw up your hands in joy and promise…not surrender and defeat…

T’is the season!

Rejoice with the coming and anticipation of December!

Change your energy to reflect positive and amazing…miracles…change…beginnings…

The last month is upon us…begin again!


We’re ready.

September 1st…Another Month of Reflection…

Now with August saying farewell with a Super “Blue Moon,” September has moved in with notes of reflection…

Four months of 2023 left and Fall will soon be here…

Let us reflect on the last eight months. What was lost…what was left behind…what was gained…

Did we grow? Did we fall backward? Did we gain in wisdom…unconditional love…becoming better in body…mind…spirit…emotions? We have all changed…no matter how constant we believe we are…because change…is inevitable. Period. The test is the admission of recognition that change has occurred. Life cannot move forward…without change.

Take this moment to reflect upon the changes in you…your life…and how to use them to enhance upon becoming fluid with the changes. How will 2023 become a calling card in moving forward in the final months ahead? How are you spending your moments of “now” building your future? The future of those you touch? The world? Your being here is moving the world forward…positively…negatively…and everything in between. Every life has a purpose and a role in life…without a doubt…known…or unknown to you…choose to be a light in the world…use Change to the advantage of all life!

Use “reflection” to look back and assess how to move forward…

Use “reflection” to look back upon events inside and outside of your life…what is going on around you in your immediate surroundings, as well as your city, town, state, country, the world…do not dwell on the negatives…create positives to initiate changes that build…uplift…and enlighten… body, minds, souls, and spirits of those around you, and those you touch, in the course of your day to day journey through your daily routine…life…and living.

The world is in constant change and fluctuation…humanity’s influence to change and fluctuation is fifty percent…the other fifty percent is out of humanity’s hands…from our breathing…to the eruption of volcanoes…War…Peace…Life Quality…Love…Hate…are in humanity’s scope of Change…

September is here…it beckons reflection and reminds us that the year is coming to a close, shortly…

Let us not become complacent believing that a course is set to follow in the flow of day to day living…it isn’t…nothing is written in stone…Better todays… create better tomorrows…and build a gateway to a lasting future…

Reflection time is here…

Use it wisely…

There’s no going back…

September is here to remind us….

Stepping Into August…

Stepping into August, the clock starts counting down to the end of the year….

It is time to really take stock of where we are going…and where we are headed…not only as a nation…but as people…

It is time to stop believing that the chaos will play itself out, without our intervention.

Climate Change is undeniably here…

Division…Lies…Conspiracy Theories…Cultists…Sociopaths…Narcissists…Social Manipulators…Egocentric Politics…Mass Corruption…Racism and Arrested Development has completely suppressed and permeated social consciousness to the degree of polarizing and stagnating any progress…growth or enlightenment to rise above the manufactured chaos that touches everyone…consciously or unconsciously…leaving everything and everyone vulnerable to harm beyond repair.

Stepping into August calls for us to focus on the humanity within…and bring it without…to challenge the created chaos swirling around us. Life is not non-participatory…every non-action precipitates an action… That action becomes a 50% chance of becoming favorable…or unfavorable to the effect.

Looking back on the events of the last seven months…where are we going? Where are we headed?

Another month cannot pass without increasing the percentage of better outcomes…by increasing our energy to contribute the best of ourselves into the cosmic mix…

Looking beyond ourselves…and the mundane…will reveal purpose…and elevation of life…and a future for humanity…and our planet…

Month…to month…time is given to release the best of what we create into the world…yet, somehow, the worst is always what prevails. It doesn’t mean that it must be accepted…Change…is the magic ingredient available to dispel the worst of anything! Use it.

Stepping into August…put your right foot forward.

Bring about…Change.

365…Every 4 Years…366…

No…not just one day…365…Every 4 Years…366…

Earth Day is everyday…ongoing…always…

We are nurtured by our planet…sustained by our planet in an ongoing commitment to life…

One day of recognition is pure selfishness, when she gives endlessly to Humanity…

Who can survive without Mother Earth?

Choose one thing that you love about the Earth…and commit to nurturing and caring for it…endlessly.

Be it person…place…thing…


Give back…Preserve…Protect…Defend…Rebuild…Restore…Cultivate…Plant…Harvest…


Photo by Luis del Ru00edo on Pexels.com

Be a Guardian to The Guardian…

Should we lose our Planet…

We lose ourselves…

All will cease to be…

Because she is…

We are…

Preserve…Honor…Protect…our Mother…Earth.

365 Days…Every 4 Years…366…

One day is not enough…

Time to step up…

Photo by Lauris Rozentu0101ls on Pexels.com
Photo by Lara Jameson on Pexels.com
Photo by Lara Jameson on Pexels.com
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Thank you…..

At Month’s End…We Wait and We Wonder…

March is done…what next will come?

Can we breakout of the mold of predictability…by beginning and ending months with change and enlightenment which brings joy and encouragement to a ravaged world?

Perhaps, each month should begin with everyone stepping outside of themselves and rising above what is happening in the world and around them…and observe from a place of what could be…and begin from there…

Leaving behind all of the restrictive, negative statements and philosophies that litter life with all the resulting tragedies and setbacks, by not buying into them! Come into the realization that “freedom” begins…within.

Life doesn’t just “happen.” People play a very large part in the “cause and effect” of living from day to day…

Each month that passes brings an agenda of scheduled events that will take place because people refuse to follow a better path…a path that could result in a better outcome with progressive, motivational advancements in the art of moving humanity up a step toward achieving a peaceful and meaningful co-existence with everything living upon this planet.

Imagine months beginning without being a witness to mass shootings and rogue laws that restrict the free-will of those targeted by self-appointed egotist, enslaved by their own ideas of grandeur, powered by insecurities out of control, without consciousness of the harm and destruction they bring…

We are… and become helpless when we refuse to step up and exercise our freedom to be…and to live without being encumbered by someone else’s thoughts and ideas on how we should live our lives in a world that was free and unencumbered before restrictions were introduced and imposed upon the masses by deficient souls bent on believing they were somehow chosen to lead…

Leaders do not…steal…kill…enslave…deprive…undermine…restrict…lie…cheat…mislead…

Deceive…coverup…stop progress…control…create governments that withhold the essentials of liberty…freedom…the pursuit of happiness…destroy at random…and refuse to exercise equality for everyone…

When the realization that freedom is and always has been yours…mine…ours…the reality to take and use that realization to power positive results that affect lives everywhere…will result in months beginning and ending with less negativity…death…destruction…and restriction of personal rights and freedoms…

When will that light within…begin to shine?

We wait…and we wonder…

With April upon us…let us not be the fools…there is no need to wait…or to wonder…

The month has ended…

A new beginning is about to dawn with the coming of the fourth month of 2023…

It is time for new and positive leaders to emerge…and bring forth the true and real meaning of…Freedom….

Lead the way to Freedom…The light and the power within…is the key….

March On…March On!!!

March On…March On!!!


The third month of the year is here…

How will we fill it?

Start by marching into March with hope for humanity…

March into March…with a new and resilient spirit…

March into March…with courage and truth…

March into March…with renewed confidence and purpose…by stepping up as the Captain of your vessel…

March into March…with a knowing that you are in the right place…and moment in Time…

March into March…embracing the knowledge that the greatest Love of all…Protects and guides you to make a significant difference in moving the world forward…

March into March…with Change and Progress…always embrace what moves forward in positive and better uplifting of you…and those around you…pay it forward…reach out and touch lives with the bringing of joy and encouragement…The world needs the seeds of Love…

You will be remembered by your actions…words…deeds…and contributions that bring about glorious yields…even if only one is moved by your efforts…you are a success…

Time is moving…

Always moving…

Standing still does not stop Time…

Your energy fuels what happens in your world…and the world beyond…

March is here…

March On…March On!!!

The Final Day of February…

The Final Day of February…

Does not mean the end of Black History…Black History is more than just a month of remembrance, celebration…and discovery…it is a yearly push to understand the undeniable truth of our humanity and how to look deep into our souls…to renew the realization of our connectivity…and the opportunity to end the cycles of hatred that exists…and takes refuge deep within the hearts and souls of those who choose not to nurture and grow the seeds of Love which wait to have life and flourish…and enrich the diversity which is humankind’s salvation…

The more we hate and refuse to understand that those who don’t look like us are inferior and insignificant…the more we destroy parts of our souls…which is the diversity of humans which stand before us…and the diversity of all life which is all around us…in the environment and every living entity on this planet…and when we finally understand…all that is beyond.

We are the sum of all diversity…in every shape and form…when we hate and seek to destroy…we destroy ourselves and our legacy of “forever” in everlasting life. It is important therefore, to embrace all history…to know who we are…and where we’re going…that is the “Heaven and Hell” of humanity. We can reach Enlightenment with this knowledge…or we can self-prophecy…and destroy everything with the continuing “art” of visiting inhumanity upon the various diverse groups of our human family…

We are the architects of humanity’s future with the wielding of “free-will.” We choose to wield hatred over love…we choose to destroy…we choose to embrace the worst of ourselves and visit the worst upon others…by rationalization…and giving power to insecurities…and fear. Our country is being stretched like a rubber band…and those who can do so, refuse to ease the tension…Our world’s survival depends upon our humanity…

The Final Day of February…

Brings us the dawning of a new beginning…with understanding of what’s at stake…and how to build and elevate the bridge which will unite and preserve humankind and our living planet…through connectivity…of our diversity…so created…so we can unify our splintered existence…with this given knowledge…and live as we were created…in Love…

With Grace…we are all given the ability to create Miracles…

When we heal our souls…and embrace our spiritual gifts to Salvation…Life everlasting will no longer be a “myth”…

Continue to enrich yourself with Black History…

Open your hearts and minds to Walter Francis White…There is so much of history we don’t know…and need to know…to know ourselves…and what we will embrace and nurture…

These stories will assist in comprehending the history of America…and how you choose to become one with you…and one in the salvation and healing of Humanity…

The Final Day of February…

Brings another month…

March into March…igniting a Miracle…

Allow Grace…to be your propeller…into Enlightenment…

“Let there be Light”

You…are…the Light….

2023…Is Here!!!

Here we are again…arriving into another New Year…2023.

Whatever the year unfolds…make sure you are a part of its best!

Don’t wait for life to happen to you in 2023…Make it happen!

Everyone has been given a chance to become…to be…to continue to evolve into the best of themselves…embrace these opportunities! Invest in the human spirit…your spirit…

2023…is here!!!

Make it your year to leave incredible footprints…

Make it your year to love yourself more…

Make it your year to believe in yourself more…

Make it your year to believe in humanity…more…remembering that there are good and not so good in humankind…

Make it your year to give more…to be less self-absorbed…to be selfless…to recognize the good in others…

Make it your year to love more…unconditionally…gathering the joy received…and given…savoring the moments into memories…that add to your Book of Life…

Make it your year…to use your voice…to bring about change…to shine your light…

2023…is your year to shape…mold…and deliver…do it with heart…love…and gusto!


Happy New Year!!!

Create the magic that will change the world…

You have been given another 365 days!!!


Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

On The Eve of 2023…

Here we are…the last day of 2022…On the eve of 2023…

We cannot leave behind another year that has changed so many lives on every level of living…and dying.

We must carry the memories and the lessons learned into the New Year…using them to focus on building a better bridge for humanity to expand upon the best that each and everyone of us has to give in contribution to realizing positive milestones…

We must absorb “the real of change”…

We must undertake the realities that face us if we continue to roll around in ignorance and denial…

We must understand that being able to witness the coming of another year…is not a right…but a privilege…because as we know…there are no guarantees to living…or to life.

We wake…we walk…we breathe by the grace of something far larger and greater than any human entity…and lest we forget…we are indeed reminded.

We must remember to walk with humility…Talk with kindness…and relate with love…

Choose and cultivate Peace…

We must strive to elevate our spirits…recognize connectivity…honor diversity…and embrace every experience and adventure that unfolds in our lives…because these all contribute to the sum total of who we are…and how we fit into the ever changing tapestry of the world and beyond…how the best of us gives birth to another star in the cosmos…as well as touching lives we have yet to meet…

The changing of the year is not a mundane and trivial happening in the scheme of things great and small…it is a change that gives humankind another opportunity to prolong its existence upon this place we call Earth and home…

On the eve of 2023…don’t squander the gifts you’ve been given to continue to make a way for elevating the best of who you are…and the best of others…

Pay attention to what is going on around you…embrace the gift of change…forge your path with footprints to follow into 2023 and beyond…

You…can make 2023…a Happy New Year…

A toast to your footprint!!!

Happy beginnings…

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

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