“The Best Way To Predict The Future…Is To Create It.”

Abraham Lincoln said these insightful words…

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Words worth repeating…words worth becoming a daily mantra for all people everywhere…especially here in America.

Truth is not for the masses. Whether you are a believer of truth or a disciple of chaos…one thing is certain…Truth will prevail. Honest truth. “Manufactured truth” will create a dismal future for anyone who chooses to accept it for reality…This is the very reason why the best way to predict the future is to create it.

January has come to an end…revealing a view to a future without careful thought or creation…and it doesn’t get anymore real than this: 2016 or 2020… What future will you create???

If you believe in honest truth…darkness and light…spiritual warfare in the flesh…prophecies…last days…and man being the bringer of his own destruction…it’s time to create a future that will ensure some salvation….

Change can prevent many evils from taking root…Is it too late?

Everyone is a “bringer of destiny.” Every choice we make touches everyone…near and far…family…friend…foe…strangers…everyone…everywhere. Everyone has a purpose…Everyone is chosen for a moment in time…no one is without purpose.

In the coming months of this year, everyone will be called upon to serve purpose…and everyone will be called upon to create…the future. February is knocking to be let in…How will you open the door to meet it?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it…” Truer words were never spoken.

Let your heart be your creator…

Create a future that will prolong the best of humanity…

The future is in our hands….


22 Days Into The New Year…How’s It Going?

Twenty-two days into the New Year…How’s it going?

Anything changed? Anything initiated? Same old, same old? Not motivated? The world too far gone to care? Division in the country still running rampant? Evil still running amuck? Just when you thought history wouldn’t repeat itself from 2016…it’s on the doorstep, AGAIN???? Brace yourselves…the Year of the Dragon is about to deliver some fire breathing that may scorch…torch…and burn…with little chance of survival…if you try to duck and cover, or hide and drop off the grid, because it is “now or never” time!

Time and tide wait for no one…and the tide is rolling in… Citizens of America…People of the world…”Your Life is Calling!” It is time to step up and face the music in every corner of your life…From “Family to Politics, and everything in between.”

Time to take up the “Sword of Truth” and wield it for as long as it takes to cement accountability and responsibility for your actions…with the “real” Truth. Not your interpretation of truth…not your version of the truth…not your lies for truth…not your delusionary truth…not your half-truth…not your embellished truth…not your lying the truth into lies…not your acceptance of lies for truth…not your belief in lies for truth…No matter how it is said or spelled out, unless you’re walking without a brain…without courage…without a heart…without a soul…devoid of emotion…without any sense of anything…take ahold of yourself and get into the bigger picture! If you can’t…there’s a word to describe your condition: Dead. No longer alive. Lacking emotion, sympathy or sensitivity… Is that your excuse?

Or maybe you’re surrounded by members of that special club? Sociopaths? Or members of the supreme club, Narcissistic Sociopaths? Ever heard of them? They can be anyone…anywhere…at anytime. Perhaps a few members of your family have lifetime memberships? Every family has at least one…or two…They are master manipulators…Lying is their language…Don’t take my word for it. Just ask Donald J. Trump. He’s been schooling America and the world with examples since his emergence on the scene…Uh oh…Did you drink a DJT Martini?!

And family…some of my family on the West Coast are wonderful examples! I made a simple “had to” request from a family member there this past weekend…and it turned into a “truth or lie…lie..lie” escapade! Distance is the best remedy for that…Don’t drink the hemlock. Family isn’t always what it seems. There is no lock on that door…it isn’t a prison…unless you don’t want to be free…The sword of truth has a double-edge…Another chapter for another time…

22 Days…

And counting that there is enough love left in the world…to see the forest for the trees…

Counting…That we can make realizations that family isn’t always biological…”family” can come from anywhere…anyone…any race…religion or creed…Diversity is a spiritual lesson given to make that realization…Treat and love others the way you would ideally want to be treated…the simple truth is this…looking at Palestine…Israel…Russia…Ukraine…and all the wars erupting across the world…fighting is not against an enemy…it is against…oneself…Look at those who have initiated the conflict…Take a closer look…It was said, “Never again.” Yet the horrors of “again” are being visited upon another…by those who refuse to look at their history…and how they got there… and the New Testament…and what it really means…Prophecy is not a destination…but a map of avoidance…No lessons learned…Once again, wisdom bites the dust of destruction…

Looking at Russia and Ukraine…an old world trying to continue old repressions on progress…growth…and a future of freedom…for a nation of Sunflowers looking into the Sun…The Bear will eventually eat itself alive…however…not without senseless destruction….

Actions…our actions…create what we endure… Therefore…cultivate peace…goodwill…love…understanding…compassion…unity…life…

The deliverance from the Hell being created here on Earth…will only come from those who create and continue to create it! What do you really want to see in the world?

People create…So far the creation of chaos is shaping and painting the world red…

The more we step into “denial” the closer the world comes to going up in flames…

What do you really want to see in your life? What do you really want out of life? Without infringement upon the lives of others?

In not stepping up to responsibility and accountability…life will continue to be as elusive as a snowflake…melting into nothingness….

22 days and counting…

Re-examine priorities…

Family…Friends…Your life…This life…

Stand in front of the mirror…What do you see? What do you envision? Do you care?

Now…more than ever…pay very close attention to your being here in this time and space of Now…

Your true purpose has arrived…What you choose to do or not…in become the best or worst of yourself…Will have a profound impact on what is to come next in the country…and the world.

Everyone will reap what they sow…that is fact.

Only the Truth will set you free….

22 days into the New Year…How’s it going?

Take a good look…..

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Looking Back…Moving Forward…Arise in the 21st Century…What Do You Stand For?

The next several months of 2024 are going to be the defining moments and structure of what America really stands for in Body…Mind…and Spirit. For far too long, the foundation of America has been crumbling and giving way to the dark components upon which it was founded…England sent it’s worst to America’s shores in 1615, convicts. Between 1700 and 1775, about 52,200 convicts were sent to the colonies, with more than 20,000, to Virginia. Eighty percent were sent to Virginia and Maryland.

Simply put: Criminals. Persons who have committed crimes. Today we see an overwhelming acceptance of criminal behavior being overlooked and accepted at the highest levels of government, to the fact that the acceptance of a criminal running for another presidential term has mesmerized followers into believing that this criminal…is a Savior!

Again, the world is watching. America’s opposition is watching with bated breath…Knowing that if this criminal once again finds his way into the White House, due to a misguided and mislead portion of the population, they can enter American shores, and aid in the toppling of a nation that had great promise and once commanded world respect. 

With America out of the way, due to a self-proclaimed dictator and madman, nothing will stop the “Putins”, or land wars in the Middle East, or anywhere in the world, without a presence of stability, which America once was…

What do you stand for?

It is long past time to look inward…so for now, look back…into the Past… What do you see when you strip away the lies masquerading as truth, and the truth being touted as lies? Ask yourself, “Where is the ‘intelligent’ life?”

Ask yourself…”What do I stand for?”

Are you really evil, masquerading as a person of “light?”

Or are you one of the Devil incarnate, without a mask, pushing evil shamelessly…everywhere? Many in the GOP have openly pledged allegiance to this Spirit, which presently has a strong hold on many…revealing their weakness of spirit…in body, as well as mind.

America stands on the precipice of falling into a darkness and destruction from which there will be no return…America will be no more.

A person of light only sees and creates paths to better and uplift humanity…collectively…unconditionally.

Instead of rising in the 21st Century…many are paving the way to our country’s imminent demise.

This country was built on the backs of slavery…and immigration. There is a way to fix both.

Germany took steps to stand accountable for its role in the Holocaust and the horrific crimes and atrocities visited upon the Holocaust victims and their heirs by paying restitution and compensations in funds and survivor’s pensions,and other acts of accountability…

Why can’t America collectively stand accountable for the stain that defines it?

Redress and Reparations for Japanese American Incarceration was given by President Ronald Reagan, a Republican President…

No one told them to “get over it,” or “I wasn’t born when that happened, so why should I pay?”

I wasn’t born during Slavery…I wasn’t born during World War II when the Jewish community in Europe were suffering the atrocities visited upon them, or the imprisonment of Japanese Americans for being of Japanese heritage at a time when Japan was considered an enemy due to their role in the second World War…However, hatred and prejudice committed by ancestors of those not born in those eras, is passed down to heirs through their behaviors, to either continue it or end it, thus, there is the “accountability.”

The victims and families of slave descendants are OWED reparations, compensation, survivors pensions, and restoration of land and wealth stolen…it is the RIGHT thing to do! Instead, racism, discrimination, crimes against Americans of African ancestry continue to this day…without apology…restitution…or second thoughts of any real recognition to accountability…due to hatred and ignorance flowing freely…because of… the color of “skin.”

A few notable attempts have been made to rectify egregiousness that is witnessed and decried around the world…yet it doesn’t begin to move the scales of justice in equality or redress…in what was endured, and continues to be endured by Americans of African ancestry.

What do you stand for?

Borders can be secured when the right laws of passage into America are made and enforced. That means anyone coming into America without the steps to becoming a citizen…must not be allowed into the country! Busing illegal immigrants to “Democratic” states only increases frustrations with immigrants being subjected to conditions that they should not be a party to…The blatant stupidity of those doing just that are to be viewed as dangers to the progress and healing of our country! Governors of Florida, Arizona, Texas! Grow some real balls and stop creating chaos in the lives of American citizens. Don’t create problems…Man up and create solutions…in the states that you govern! That’s why you’re a governor!?

Sanctuary should only be given to those suffering from countries at war. America is past the days of needing immigration to enrich her shores…There are too many Americans suffering from the very things that immigrants are trying to escape in their own countries! Many Americans are living below the poverty line…the high cost of living and housing are forcing many into the streets…With politicians only concerned about “Red” and “Blue” states…and “party first” over citizens, America has become a nation of “Bloods and Crips” by political standards!

We are not a nation of GOP (Republicans) and Democrats…we are a diverse nation of people…who just want a quality of life that will enable us to contribute the best of ourselves in building a nation…were freedom is not just a seven-letter word!

What do you stand for???!!!

Hatred and division is not the path to a “free” America…

The next several months will reveal a horrific truth….

Look back….

Can we move forward?

Will we rise in the 21st Century…or will we fall?


If you embrace division…hatred…racism…discrimination…cowardliness in believing lies for truth…and truth for lies…lawlessness…inciting chaos…living as if you’re above law and order…while taking from the poor and filling the coffers of the rich…through corrupt politics…your soul already belongs to Satan…The Devil…DJT…You know who you are…and everyone around you knows as well…

The question is…Is there enough soul salvation in them to do the right thing…by the American people?

The answer will be revealed…by what commands our souls….

We are all a part of the answer…

Whatever reveals itself…will affect all of us…

Good…bad…or indifferent…

Our choices affect not only our country…but the world.

We are long past denial….

Happy New Year!!!

January 1, 2024 is here! There is no turning back…unless progress and change are ignored to continue the dark, dangerous and divisive agendas which the masses are continuously being brainwashed into accepting and believing…

It is time to exercise this new year by attempting to be in the running for a place among the intelligent life existing in the universe…which is not humankind!

Look around and take note…Everything that is happening on this planet presently where humans are involved resulting in human suffering and destruction is by the hand of other humans! Intelligent life has evolved beyond the chaos, hatred, destruction, lies, racism, and every evil that seems to dispense oppression and depriviation in a “class” structure…created by…humans! Throughout time, humankind has allowed itself to be seduced and entertained by sadistic practices and rituals where other human beings are victimized without conscience or emotion…

Truth is viewed as lies…and lies are viewed as truth…The soulless constantly consume the souls of the innocent, as if enjoying a tasty meal! What is worse, is those who can stop the madness…join in the madness!!! Doing nothing…is endorsing the madness….Not speaking out against the madness…endorses the madness…Not acting to address and prosecute the perpetrators of the madness…endorses and accepts the madness! Many have witnessed this cowardess of many who can put an end to the prevailing madness…yet…do nothing…year after year, decade after decade…Politics is a continous cycle of throwing issues into a washing machine that never gets anything clean…because the cleaning powder is purposely left out.

2024 is the year to save the soul of humanity by rejecting those who work at keeping the best of humans underfoot and bamboozled…into believing that they are the answer to the prayers of the masses, when they are indeed the tools of destruction and chaos!

This year will be a turning point in the future of humankind…

It’s time to wake up and understand just where life is headed…and how it is swiftly approaching that place of no return…Life will never be the same again…Stop being fooled. Stand up and be accountable by knowing and practicing that which transforms in the twinkling of an eye….

The Word was given more than 2000 years ago…it is the only weapon that conquers all…It is the only force that will restore Truth, for all eyes to see…

Another New Year depends upon all eyes seeing…beyond Self and Ego…

Happy New Year…..

Photo by Walls.io on Pexels.com

a day

January 2024
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