May Sadness…

Hopeful beginnings and tragic endings marks the month of May…

Racism and the “Gun” still prevail…in the “Land of The Free…and The Home of The Brave.”

The freedom to take life…along with the “brave” defenders of the 2nd Amendment…

Those who embrace the gun, embrace death…nothing good can ever come from the “right to bear arms,” because those who live by the gun…will bring death and destruction…and will eventually die by the gun…especially when the gun has become an “idol.”

America is a nation that pushes violence…

America adopted the ways of the old and wild West…and has bought into the idea of guns for defense…soliciting and inventing ways to satiate the desire to use guns as the keen weapon of choice, to obliterate the object or objects who are a threat to their way of life…

The use of guns in America has distorted and devalued human life…and has given many offenders the opportunity to realize their wildest imaginings and thirsts for taking lives…giving countless citizens the license to kill. God bless those good ole boys and their 2nd amendment rights…

So much so, that we will continue to witness many more Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York occurrences in the very near future…Let us not forget those of the past…New Town, Connecticut…Charleston, South Carolina…unfortunately, there are others…

We must question the ethics and values…hearts and minds of those who are elected to “lead” America… Right now, these are the people who are responsible for the deaths of innocent children…Women…Men…and those who are victimized and wiped out…because of their diversity not belonging to the self-appointed “Face of America” in the minds of the “self-anointed.”

When will people learn the meaning of Humanity and Love?

Let’s hope in time to save the human race…

Let’s hope especially in time to save…America.

How will America welcome June, 2022?

June 1st will tell…

Can we make it from the month of June beginning to the end of the month…without any catastrophic tragedies committed by the ongoing sins of America blowing up on some section of the population?

Let’s enter the month of June with bated breath…

…And be the best that we can be to advance humanity…and pray that those who can bring turmoil…will find peace in their souls…to change their hearts…enough to resist violent recourse…

We are at the halfway mark of 2022…

We are all responsible for what comes next…

We elect…

We can deflect…

Bring in June with Change…

Start on The Hill…and work your way around your State…

Freedom does not oppress…

Bravery does not embrace political cowardice…

It isn’t Democrats vs. Republicans….

Look at the individual politicians and what they stand for….

That will fill in the story of America…

Hello, June……

Who’s Looking Back At You?

Who’s Looking Back At You?

Michael Jackson wrote a song that wasn’t just a song…it was a “call to consciousness”…

Isn’t it funny how we only want happy endings in our lives…and maybe some immediate others whom we consider “family”?…Or maybe just happy endings for that person reflected in the mirror?

Do we ever stop to really soak in the realization that we are a part of the chaos consuming the world…and if we would only see the bigger picture and change…we could be the puzzle piece that makes the world a better place?

Ask yourself a question…this question…

Why does one ever seek outside of themselves to know the truth of it all…when the truth lives within you?

The world is or isn’t because of the “truths” we accept without self-examination…

Would spiritual beings living a human experience…seek to destroy life?

Would spiritual beings living a human experience garner delight in performances of pure evil?

Would spiritual beings living a human experience continually create chaos…division…promote and practice hatred in every form imaginable…and beyond imagining to infect and spread such evil doctrines to stop love from flowering the planet…and the willing hearts of humanity who strive to keep love flowing?

When we allow ourselves to become lost in the chaos and madness…we become a part of the problem…not the solution…

Who’s looking back at you?

Who is that person you see in the mirror?

Selfish lover…or universal lover?

Spiritual Being…or savage interloper bent on destruction and a threat to love and peace everywhere?

Who’s looking back at you…can they change their ways?

Introduce yourself…

Then ask…that question…

Change is possible at any age or place in your life…

You are the answer…

You…know the truth.

Make that change…..

Under the Guise of Democracy…What Has America Become?

Continuing on this subject, let’s take a look at the forms of governing that function under the guise of “Democracy.”

FascismA form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism, characterized by dictatorial powers, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Nazism…It is described as a form of fascism against liberal democracy and the parliamentary system…incorporating antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics, which is a set of beliefs and practices aimed to improve the genetic quality of a human population.

Kleptocracy…Government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed.

All of these are at work here in America…under the guise of democracy.

The saddest realization of this is people are courted by deception into believing that their voices will be heard…and their wants and needs will be implemented…if they elect the candidate who is the most persuasive of their chosen party in convincing their constituents of such…only delivering compromised versions of what the masses truly need to live a life of quality and promise to a life inclusive of “the American Dream.”

The Trump years provided a sobering inside view into how much Fascism…Nazism and Kleptocracy has situated specific doctrines of their belief and practices into “democracy” by destroying and undermining the principles of Democracy…while exposing the real motives and desires of the Republican Party…carefully orchestrated by McConnell…who carried out Trump’s agenda because it encapsulated the core of McConnell’s beliefs, wants and needs to protect “White privilege and supremacy, while robbing Republican and Democratic citizens of opportunities and finances to realize their entitlements to the “American Dream.” Mitch McConnell is “Old South…Old Conservative…Old Racist”… and a total threat to Change and America moving forward with the times…

Americans…”Baby-Boomers” and Generation X” have grown tired and indifferent to politicians and their empty and half-ass promises to get them into office or keep them there, so they can continue pushing their own self-interests at the expense and sacrifice of the American people… when it comes to money and power for the politicians…Republicans and Democrats which make up the American constituency become “just people” after elections…and all suffer together under the will of corrupt, self-serving politicians on both sides of the aisle…

The truth is a mind-blower and disappointing…

What has America become?

Where are we headed?

What we see is what we get…if we are not honest with ourselves and what is going on around us.

There is no greatness in a nation of division…racism…supremacy…regression…oppression…spiritual bankruptcy…immigration denial from a country populated by immigration…cultural hatred…chaos…pushing democracy by destroying and dismantling its own democracy…denying essential liberties and life sustaining elements to the citizens of its country…a country bent on destroying itself…by wiping out the best of its change and progress…condemning itself to go down in flames….

Under the Guise of Democracy…

This…is what America has become….

Salvation depends upon the collective courage to rid our country of the “poison politics” and those who spread them with such delicious brainwashing of the American public… to keep themselves in office…

Complacency will ensure our country’s descend…

What has America become to you?

Be truthful in your pondering…and take a good long look at what is going on around you…

Don’t fool yourself and don’t fall…

Under the Guise of Democracy…..

Happy Mother’s Day…Everyday!

Mother Earth…Moms…and those who stand in doing the nurturing…supporting…and loving as moms do…

Happy Mother’s Day…Everyday!

To mothers who are still watching over us from their transitional perch…we know you are with us…and we are thankful for your love…support…nurturing…protection and encouragement which surrounds us…and reminds us…that the circle of love is not broken when the body rests after its journey…

Without Mother Earth…and Moms…would there be life?

Remember to show your love…

Remember how much you are loved…

Remember who taught you love…

Everyday…is Mother’s Day…

Hug your mom…

Take in a deep breath…and remember without Mother Earth…

Air…would be rare…

Happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere….

Thank you Mother Earth…thank you mom and mothers around the planet…

For sustaining us…


Under The Guise of Democracy…

Under the Guise of Democracy…

Nazism…Fascism…Kleptocracy…Seven days into May has shown the real and true face of American politics…spelling doom for America and its citizens.  “Conditional Freedom” is what we have in America…and what we’ve always had…real freedom is not and never has been a guarantee for all Americans… Where in the world does anyone have the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint?

Wherever there are people, and wherever there are those who wield power or government over others…there are impositions of will over the masses…never really the will of the people…because even the will of the people comes into play and conflict with choices that aren’t in alignment with their own… What people fail to comprehend and practice is what may be good and agreeable to you…may not be good and agreeable for another.

Why can’t people stop trying to make others accept their way of thinking when it comes to life and living? As long as what someone else chooses does not infringe upon your right to live your own life as you see fit, why must there be an imposition of your will upon another?

Let us take Roe v. Wade…

Why can’t a woman have choice and privacy as to how she manages her body?  What right does anyone have to decide… aside from any woman… who lives inside her body, or not?

The right to life isn’t respected by people.

Overturning Roe v. Wade is hypocritical at best…

How can people who profess to be “pro-life” justify the indiscriminate and continued murdering of Black Americans? Don’t they have the right to life?

The question of life and viability regarding pregnancy isn’t an issue that should extend itself to anyone who is not faced with such decisions…outside of the women who may find themselves in a position of choice…

Whatever choice is made, women’s health and well being should be the concern.

Before Roe v. Wade became a precedent of law, protecting a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction, many women sought out means that put their health and lives at great risk…

As a little girl, I remember a friend of my mother’s who had eight children.  One night my mom received a call…Her friend had discovered she was pregnant and another child was not an option…This was back in the 1960’s…She decided on an abortion…it wasn’t performed by a doctor…and she died. 

Self-righteous views and savior complexes are not needed…no one has the right to decide…condemn…or run interference with a woman’s choice over her body…no matter what…because she will find a way to find a solution…her solution…not yours or anyone else’s… Therefore, safety and well being are the solutions…not your will…Conditional freedom…which is not freedom. 

What has America become?

We will continue…

a day

May 2022
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