2021…This Year is Done…2022…We All Become New…

Here we stand reflecting on 2021…after today, a year all done. What will you leave behind…and what will you bring forward in the New Year?

How and what did you contribute to the year we are leaving behind, in a matter of hours? With the restrictions of the pandemic, politics, and altered nature causing horrific tolls on our country and the world, how did you make your presence felt in the last twelve months? Were you a beast… a burden? Were you a saint or a sinner? Were you naughty or nice? Were you an instigator or a Savior? Were you an innovator or a diehard? Can you look back on 2021 and say that you were the best of yourself? Or can you be honest enough to say you weren’t?

Each year becomes more riddled with obstacles and trials that test our mettle and our humanity…

Each year…we are called into the role of shepherd…and each year…we fall short.

Each year…we are given the realization of our connections to one another…and our planet…and our ignorance prevails…

For each one of us Time is finite…It is a reality that we face every day…If anything has given us that sobering realization…let’s start with our introduction last year to the coronavirus…and it’s continuing reign.

What will you bring forward in the New Year?

What about a new you?

A new you with the realization that you cannot rely upon someone you give your vote to…to represent your best interests…understand that there is not one with a heart of gold…or who can walk on water…and promises in politics…are always made to be broken…

This new you will also have the realization that life on our planet has had it’s longevity cut in half because the powers that be…have chosen to honor and support the almighty exchange…money…instead of the continuity of life on all levels…

The new you will realize that change is in your hands…it is your power to change every circumstance which hinders or suppresses opportunities to rise into the stratosphere of humanity at it’s best and finest.

The new you will realize that we can arrest and control the coronavirus from its constant mutations…by everyone practicing the protocols that would protect every man, woman and child…because we have the compassion and common sense to understand that we must stand together to conquer that which seeks to divide us…permanently.

No one’s rights are being challenged, taken away or restricted by sense and sensibilities…that tell us that the right thing to do is to ensure continuity of life by doing whatever is available to stop the loss of another million lives…The new you holds that power in the palm of your hands…The new you is and always has been the instrument of Change…

You…me…we are the catalyst of creating the best life and conditions for our human family….

2022 is upon us…

Close the door on 2021…bring forward the new you in 2022…

Thanks for the lessons 2021…So long…Farewell…Goodbye….

Whatever the New Year brings…

It begins with…You.

Become New…in 2022….

Two More Days to Make Your Mark In 2021…

There are two days left to make your mark in 2021…

You can sharpen your teeth on these last two days in preparation to be an incredible contributor to the betterment of you…and your life uplifting contributions in 2022!

Our duty in life is our amazing ability to make dismal situations magically transform to miraculous events…and it can happen with just a smile…a kind word…or continuing to follow Covid protocols…in preserving your life…and the lives of others!

Understand that without our actions to make the best out of situations that present obstacles…obstacles will never be overcome…

Don’t ever believe that what you cannot uplift or affect someone or some circumstance… You are here to initiate change…growth…and enlightenment…within yourself and the lives you touch with your thoughts, words and deeds.

Make your mark…you still have time to improve upon the year of 2021…

This too shall pass…

Again you are called….

To make a difference.

The 7 Kwanzaa Principles Are Universal…

Today, December 26, begins the celebration of Kwanzaa, until January 1, 2022.

Each day is dedicated to one of the seven principles which are as follows:

  1. Umoja – Unity
  2. Kujichaguilia – Self-Determination
  3. Ujima – Collective Work and Responsibility
  4. Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics
  5. Nia – Purpose
  6. Kuumba – Creativity
  7. Imani – Faith

These seven principles, or Nguzo Saba in Kiswahili, are universal in their practice and purpose…something we can all engage in dedicating ourselves to observe and practice…everyday.

This is the time for families and communities to come together to remember the past and to celebrate African American culture…The diversity of humankind declares in every voice…every holiday observed…in every Race…Creed…and Culture…the importance and contributions…the struggles…atrocities…victories…losses…successes…any and all imaginable hills…valleys…mountains and challenges…human created…or created by forces out of humankind’s control…have concluded with survival and the recognition of the best of the human spirit…in the community and family of human beings…known as the Human Race.

Let us choose a principle…or all seven, and practice making significant contributions to the growth and continuity of our human family and communities…

We must learn to understand and embrace our connectivity to one another….celebrate it…nurture it…protect it…respect it…love it.

It has never been about declaring “separatism” in any form…yet we have come to create schisms to stand apart and divide our family…and our communities…

God or the force you believe to accept…created diversity to test the human spirit…to test it’s acceptance of beauty…and how it is defined…in your eyes…In God’s eyes…the beauty of every diverse creation is loved…cherished…and uplifted…God does not differentiate…the condemnation comes from the lack of love….How deep and comprehensive is humankind’s understanding and practice of Love?

Start by celebrating Kwanzaa…the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa are Universal…

Educate yourself to the beauty of diversity…

Strive to understand…and practice the multiverse of Love…

Happy Kwanzaa!!!!

The Twelve Days Of Christmas Begin On Christmas Day…

Merry Christmas!!! While today is December 25th and Christmas Day…Did you know that the Twelve Days of Christmas also begin today? It is the belief that the 12 days of Christmas were the amount of time it took the Three Wise Men, or Three Kings to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany after Jesus was born. Accordingly, the Epiphany was the “revelation” that Jesus was revealed to be the “Savior” of Mankind as promised by the Divine through Prophecy…

The First Day of Christmas, which is Christmas Day, Celebrates the birth of Jesus…The Christ.

The Second Day of Christmas, Boxing Day or Saint Stephen’s Day, remembers the first martyr of Christianity, which was St. Stephen.

The Third Day of Christmas Celebrates Saint John, the Apostle, or Saint John the Beloved. He is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, authors, booksellers, burn victims, poison victims, art-dealers, editors, publishers, scribes, examinations, scholars and theologians…Saint John wrote the Book of Revelation.

The Fourth Day of Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Innocents…this day remembers all of the babies murdered by King Herod in his search to find and kill baby Jesus.

The Fifth Day of Christmas remembers the Archbishop of Canterbury, Saint Thomas Becket, who was killed because he challenged the king’s authority of the church.

The Sixth Day of Christmas Celebrates Saint Egwin of Worcester who is known as the protector of orphans and the widowed…he died in 717.

The Seventh Day of Christmas, which is New Year’s Eve, celebrates Pope Sylvester I, who filled the see of Rome at an important era of the Christian Roman Empire, or the Western Church…He died in Rome, Italy on December 31, 335 AD.

The Eight Day of Christmas on New Year’s Day, Celebrates Mary, the mother of Jesus.

The Ninth Day of Christmas honors two important Christians, Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory Nazianzen, from the 4th century. Saint Basil the Great was a Byzantine bishop and influential theologian who supported the Nicene Creed and opposed the heresies of the early Christian church. He was born in Kayseri, Turkey in 330 AD and died January 1, 379 AD. Saint Gregory was born in Arianzum, (known as Nazianzus) Cappadocia in 329 AD and was the Archbishop of Constantinople and a theologian, considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the Patristic Era, or early Christian writers who were designated Church Fathers. He died January 25, 390 AD.

The Tenth Day of Christmas Celebrates the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus…when Jesus was named in the Jewish Temple.

The Eleventh Day of Christmas Celebrates Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American saint. She was born on August 28, 1774, In New York, NY, and died January 4, 1821, in Emmitsburg, MD. She was a Catholic religious sister and an educator, and the founder of the country’s parochial school system.

The Twelfth Day of Christmas is Epiphany Eve, known as that because it is January 5, the day before Epiphany, the Three Kings’ Day, a Christian Festival, which begins on January 6, celebrating how a star led the Magi to the baby Jesus….

The Twelve Days of Christmas isn’t just a Christmas song…it is also known as Twelvetide, a Christian religious celebration centered around the Nativity.

It is believed also that the Twelve Days of Christmas symbolize a different aspect of the Christian religion…

A partridge in a pear tree represents Jesus…

Two turtle doves…the Old and New Testaments…

Three French hens…Faith…Hope and Charity…

Four calling birds….the four gospels…

Five golden rings…the first five books of the Old Testament…

Six geese…the six days of creation….

Seven swans…the gifts of the Holy Spirit…

Eight maids…the eight blessings given by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel of Matthew…

Nine ladies dancing…the nine different fruits of the Holy Spirit…

Ten lords….the Ten Commandments…

Eleven pipers…the eleven faithful Apostles…

Twelve drummers…the twelve points of the doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed…

Take these twelve days of Christmas and create at least twelve days more to carry out the Spirit of Christmas…

Continue with Faith…Hope…and Charity. Begin your own new tradition….We have been through a two-year period of thoughtful isolation…time alone that has allowed us to reflect…and given us moments through this travail…to touch the face of God…

Let us change in the twinkling of an eye…let us reach out…let us give our hearts in the spirit of what was given to all of us with the birth of Christ…Let us remember that we are all blessed….that we are all saviors…and shepherds…Messengers…and Deliverers…remember that life is not an everyday promise…but a gift…

As you continue to ponder your thoughts and reflect on the events of your Christmas Day…be good…be kind…be forgiving…be thankful…to yourself…and to others…

Renew…with your twelve days of Christmas…

Give and receive the love….

Your twelve days of Christmas awaits…

Make someone smile…and feed your soul…..

Merry Christmas to all…and to all…

Feel the Love…because you are….

Christmas Eve 2021…

On the Eve of Christmas 2020, we looked forward to Christmas Eve 2021…Here we are…still following us is the ever mutating coronavirus…repeating its presence with isolation…climbing infection counts…travel cancellations…and disappointment…causing defiance of protocols and small gatherings…

To beat this virus we must appeal to our humility…and think of the bigger picture…next Christmas Eve…2022.

If we would just think of what we could have…instead of what we don’t have…we can beat this virus and be together again…and have the freedom without the consequence of infection…and possibly death, by following protocols and protecting our families, friends and neighbors…and those we come into daily contact with, by doing what we know is necessary to bring this virus under control.

No one is giving up their rights as they believe…If we cannot control ourselves to do what is necessary to control COVID, everyone needs to start getting use to the idea that the ability to be with those we love will never come without consequences…and the lack of consideration will also touch and take the lives of those that may be…and have been condemned by those shouting the loudest about their rights being taken away while demonstrating disregard and defiance of protocols…that if practiced, would save thousands and thousands of lives.

I remember when vaccination verification such as smallpox, had to be shown before children could start school…I don’t remember many people objecting then…It assured the safety of children everywhere, attending public and private schools….

Ironically, although smallpox was eliminated in North America in 1952, and Europe in 1953, the World Health Organization began a plan in 1959 to eradicate smallpox from the world, and met with the same challenges then with lack of funds, personnel and commitment from countries, and shortages of vaccine donations… This is not the type of consistency which should be practiced in humankind moving forward…

We must step out of the confines of the Past…and move with expediency into the progress of Today…

If Christ chose to be defiant…shout about his rights or practiced being self-absorbed and thinking only of himself…would we be observing Christmas? Or any other holidays associated with the life and death of Christ? He sacrificed his life for humankind….Humans can’t even sacrifice wearing a mask…to save the life of another…let alone, themselves….

How important is life really…to humankind??? If we were to measure that question by behavior and what we have witnessed, and continue to witness surrounding COVID and protocols…our answer is already reflected in the number of lives lost to this continuing pandemic. Whose rights have really been taken away and lost?

What is being lost now is time…time which cannot be replaced…Time which will never come again. Time which could and would have been used with family and friends…if protocols were practiced by everyone…it could have been here and now…in 2021.

It is we…right here…right now…who hold lives in the palm of our hands…it is our choices which define us and define the fate of those we love and those we have yet to know…We can be foolish with our fates…and if we don’t care about our fates…

We commit even higher travesties and sinfulness by blatantly condemning others to our foolishness…and their rights to life.

The difference is ours to make…

Will Christmas Eve 2021 give rise to Christmas Eve 2022…which began with Christmas Eve 2020?

As we have witnessed…free-will is a double-edged sword…Selfless…or Selfish….

Christmas Eve…2021…

Remember it…if you are satisfied…keep it going…if freedom is what you seek for Christmas Eve 2022…make it happen now…know what must be done…and do it with heart and soul.

We make the choices…and our choices define us and the moment.

May your hearts be light…

With the coronavirus soon…to be out of sight.

Christmas Eve Blessings to all….

Joe Biden…Pick Up Your Pen and Perform A Christmas Miracle…

It would be a miracle if the American people can actually believe in anyone who promises to make life livable…if we would elect them President of the United States…

We have been electing politicians who have been recycling promises and re-gifting the proverbial “fruitcake” for so long…that we’ve grown to accept the repetitive song and dance…

Joe Biden is no different…He is after all a “career” politician. It was everyone’s wish that he would be different…different in the way that he would really be for the people and truly fight for the things that would give every American a hand up receiving a genuine opportunity at having and achieving a life of quality in a country that so proudly boasts about being the best in the world….

Strength is not measured in words…but in actions.

There is one thing that can be done which will give millions of Americans a hand up and boost our economy at the same time…Homes can be purchased…savings can be had…futures can be certain… If only the President had the courage and the foresight to do the right thing….and deliver a deed which will set him apart from the redundant crowd he clings so loyally to…

We gave Joe Biden his dream…

It’s time he stepped up to the plate and start demonstrating to the American people that he can move mountains…

Joe Biden…Pick Up Your Pen and Perform a Christmas Miracle…

Your first Christmas Miracle…

Wipe OUT Student Loan Debt.

Mr. President…

It is solely within your power to do so….Yours and yours alone. You don’t need the House or the Senate…just pick up your pen and make it happen. You know you can…You can legally cancel as much as $50,000 in federal student loans…You don’t need your your education secretary to prep a memo…that’s just a formality…You already know that you can…but you won’t…because you’re a career politician…and politics come before people…isn’t that right?

Pass the fruitcake….

Merry Christmas, America.

What Do You Want For Christmas?

In five days, Christmas will be here…What do you want for Christmas?

Laptops…iPhones…iPads…Cars…Oculus Quest 2…Gigantic Screen TV…Diamonds…Gold…Clothes…Vacations…Shoes….?

What about that screen door or other things around the house that was promised to be repaired or replaced by your spouse? What about promises made to character build and be that better person…made by yourself…and those family members and friends? Children cleaning their rooms without being told…that is a great thing to want for Christmas!!! Giving to those who don’t have…whenever we can…not just for Christmas.

Material things don’t endure…Material things cannot accompany us to the great beyond…


These are lasting…these are the building blocks of a better world…For a better Humanity…

The Magic of Christmas is you…

Miracles start and begin with you…

It will never be found in giving or receiving anything material…

Your thoughts toward others…your words toward others…your deeds toward others…given unconditionally, with love…sincerity…and service…with the intent to uplift and lead to the betterment for the recipients of these gifts…is the stuff miracles are made of….

The meaning of Christmas isn’t the accumulation and culmination of the most extravagant of material things…

If mass thought…words… and deeds…could move beyond selfishness…Peace and Goodwill would be ever abundant.

What Do You Want For Christmas?

You have five days to ponder….create…and make it so…

Christmas Miracles are always waiting to manifest and be delivered…

Search your heart…

Your Christmas gift… is there….

Christmas Wishes…

Stevie Wonder released a song called “Someday At Christmas,” as a standalone single in 1966, then included it on his Christmas album in 1967…

Whenever I hear it I wonder why we don’t just make it happen…

Someday at Christmas men won’t be boys
Playing with bombs like kids play with toys
One warm December our hearts will see
A world where men are free

Someday at Christmas there’ll be no wars
When we have learned what Christmas is for
When we have found what life’s really worth
There’ll be peace on earth

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas we’ll see a land
With no hungry children, no empty hand
One happy morning people will share
Our world where people care

Whoa, someday at Christmas there’ll be no tears
When all men are equal and no man has fears
One shinning moment one prayer away
From our world today

Someday all our dreams will come to be
Someday in a world where men are free
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas man will not fail
Hate will be gone and love will prevail
Someday a new world that we can start
With hope in every heart, yeah whoa, yeah
(Someday in a world where men are free)
Maybe not in time for you and me
But someday at Christmastime
Someday at Christmastime

Songwriters: Bryan Wells / Ronald Miller Someday At Christmas lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Christmas Wishes…

Christmas wishes can become our reality…if our hearts were in the right place all the time…instead of moments in time…or one day of the year, dedicated to humanity showing some love and kindness…

If our hearts were in the right place at every given second of every moment…of every hour…of every day of our existence…and we directed all of our creative energy in producing such results…we could love one another unconditionally, and materialize the ideals expressed in this poignant and beautiful, Christmas song.

We can love one another unconditionally…

We can see beyond skin color and external diversity…right to the heart of each human being…knowing that it is the content of love that colors the individual…not their “winter coats” which will eventually shed and give way to the spectrum of “Light” reflective of the love operating within each and everyone of our souls…

Live…and let live…without infringements…understand “Free-Will.” It is a Universal right…not a “privilege” decided by those masquerading as “human beings.” They are shackled by their own chains of “self-worth.” Self-undoing is inevitable…especially where love is non-existent…

We can have Unity…

Resulting in Peace on Earth and goodwill toward all humankind….if we could just resonate beyond our own selfishness and egocentricity…

There is something greater than humanity.

Regardless of whether the finite reasoning of human intelligence cares to accept it…or not. Be it science or omnipotence…A greater force exists, and it demonstrates its presence every nanosecond in our perception of time…Yet, Humanity chooses to be blinded and captivated by its own self-worth at work all around us in the chaos continually created…cultivated, and practiced by entertaining factions that corrupt, destroy, and divide…in our country…and every country around the world…The trouble with people doesn’t have to be people…Sadly, this truth will not be understood before humankind experiences more enlightenment…born out of more extreme chaos….

Christmas Wishes…

When resistance subsides…and allows the power of love to change the hearts of those who choose chaos over peace…a new beginning for humankind will prevail…hopefully…in time for you and me…

Someday…at Christmas time….

That’s my Christmas wish…

Make it yours…

Allow your Christmas Star to shine…

It’s the Light of Love…

Knock and the door will be opened…

The door…is your heart.

December Is Here…The Last Month of The Year…

Here we are…December 1st…the last month of the year…And what a year this has been!

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the last eleven months…really assess them and prepare ourselves for December and our passage into the New Year…

What have we learned?

Have we grown for the better?

Will our journey through the last eleven months open us up to wisdom, growth and change?

Do we understand our connectivity to the Human family, the Animal Kingdom and our environment…our planet?

Will we continue to take life for granted…or will we wake up to the truth of our contributions, or non-contributions…and take responsibility for our creations?

It is time to confront fears and monsters of our own making…conquer them….and lay them to rest.

December is a month of accumulation…introspection…standing up…taking action…dissolving…blessing and releasing…acceptance…moving forward….

Let us move forward welcoming in the holidays and a new place in our bodies…minds…and spirits for positive change…healing ourselves…healing our worlds…and healing the greater world and our planet.

We have a huge responsibility ahead…

We cannot go backwards…we must have the courage to move forward and preserve that which does not tear down or take us to dark places in history… which only serve to become weapons of humanity’s destruction and ultimate demise…The savagery of the soul…must be overcome to enlighten the human spirit…and clear the path to truly understand the meaning of Love…It isn’t just a four letter word…it is a way of life…and an endless journey of achievement…because temptation and free-will are extremely seductive…with endless side-paths leading away from the Ultimate Destination….

The Ultimate Destination isn’t what one thinks…yet it is the longing of every heart…every soul…

Allow the light bulb in your being to click on….and stay on…lighting your understanding to the evolution of humankind…and the invaluable part you are in achieving longevity and the best of human existence.

December is here…

You…are here…

Pave the way to a future where unity can be second nature in the way we respond to one another…and our planet…

Let’s build a better bridge into next month….

The last month of the year…Begins with Cheer…

December…is here.

a day

December 2021
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