At Month’s End…We Wait and We Wonder…

March is done…what next will come?

Can we breakout of the mold of predictability…by beginning and ending months with change and enlightenment which brings joy and encouragement to a ravaged world?

Perhaps, each month should begin with everyone stepping outside of themselves and rising above what is happening in the world and around them…and observe from a place of what could be…and begin from there…

Leaving behind all of the restrictive, negative statements and philosophies that litter life with all the resulting tragedies and setbacks, by not buying into them! Come into the realization that “freedom” begins…within.

Life doesn’t just “happen.” People play a very large part in the “cause and effect” of living from day to day…

Each month that passes brings an agenda of scheduled events that will take place because people refuse to follow a better path…a path that could result in a better outcome with progressive, motivational advancements in the art of moving humanity up a step toward achieving a peaceful and meaningful co-existence with everything living upon this planet.

Imagine months beginning without being a witness to mass shootings and rogue laws that restrict the free-will of those targeted by self-appointed egotist, enslaved by their own ideas of grandeur, powered by insecurities out of control, without consciousness of the harm and destruction they bring…

We are… and become helpless when we refuse to step up and exercise our freedom to be…and to live without being encumbered by someone else’s thoughts and ideas on how we should live our lives in a world that was free and unencumbered before restrictions were introduced and imposed upon the masses by deficient souls bent on believing they were somehow chosen to lead…

Leaders do not…steal…kill…enslave…deprive…undermine…restrict…lie…cheat…mislead…

Deceive…coverup…stop progress…control…create governments that withhold the essentials of liberty…freedom…the pursuit of happiness…destroy at random…and refuse to exercise equality for everyone…

When the realization that freedom is and always has been yours…mine…ours…the reality to take and use that realization to power positive results that affect lives everywhere…will result in months beginning and ending with less negativity…death…destruction…and restriction of personal rights and freedoms…

When will that light within…begin to shine?

We wait…and we wonder…

With April upon us…let us not be the fools…there is no need to wait…or to wonder…

The month has ended…

A new beginning is about to dawn with the coming of the fourth month of 2023…

It is time for new and positive leaders to emerge…and bring forth the true and real meaning of…Freedom….

Lead the way to Freedom…The light and the power within…is the key….

Seven Years Ago…On March 17th…

Photo by Alberlan Barros on

Saint Patrick’s Day has a very special meaning for many…

Seven years ago…on March 17th, mom transitioned from this life to a life beyond this stratosphere…

To a life beyond, which stretches imaginations…encourages faith…and gives hopes and expectations to Heaven and life after death reunions with those who have left before…real meaning.

Is there such a universe where many mansions exist? Where life is a continuum of energies merging into weightless oblivion…or spirit formations appearing and disappearing whenever…wherever? Loving the freedom of movement through space…without the confines of time and human limitations?

I have gone from missing mom… to a conscious level of feeling her happiness and contentment at being released from the bondage of an earthly existence…She departed on a wonderful day of celebration…and magic…

I looked at her picture and the joy that radiated back at me…was incredible! There was no need for sadness…only the inner knowing that in the Great Creator’s House…there are countless mansions…endless transformations of spirit…and Enlightenment that awaits everyone who chooses it…in transitioning beyond Earth’s Passage…

Just as there are Leprechauns…and pots of gold at the end of every rainbow…

With every Spring, we are given the realization that life begins again…

Our loved ones never leave us…they just begin again…somewhere…and because they are no longer contained…they surround us…in a forever embrace of love…

Every March 17th… for me…is a celebration of love…in mom’s embrace…

May you all enjoy the magic…

And embrace the love…

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

March On…March On!!!

March On…March On!!!


The third month of the year is here…

How will we fill it?

Start by marching into March with hope for humanity…

March into March…with a new and resilient spirit…

March into March…with courage and truth…

March into March…with renewed confidence and purpose…by stepping up as the Captain of your vessel…

March into March…with a knowing that you are in the right place…and moment in Time…

March into March…embracing the knowledge that the greatest Love of all…Protects and guides you to make a significant difference in moving the world forward…

March into March…with Change and Progress…always embrace what moves forward in positive and better uplifting of you…and those around you…pay it forward…reach out and touch lives with the bringing of joy and encouragement…The world needs the seeds of Love…

You will be remembered by your actions…words…deeds…and contributions that bring about glorious yields…even if only one is moved by your efforts…you are a success…

Time is moving…

Always moving…

Standing still does not stop Time…

Your energy fuels what happens in your world…and the world beyond…

March is here…

March On…March On!!!

a day

March 2023
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