February Brings a Chance For History Enlightenment…and Change…

February brings a month of Black History…and Change…

In order to bring Change into fluidity and progression…knowledge into American history begins with transparency into the diversity of America…and everything that surrounds it…Begin with truth and honesty…and gain insight into human emotions and behaviors which wove the fabric of a nation that forever stunted the growth of the spirit of Freedom and Equality…

Photo by Marianna on Pexels.com

It is never too late for Change…

Change progresses Freedom and Equality…

Change is the ticket to Freedom and Equality…

Seek enlightenment by learning from the Past…

Take this time to explore Black History….

Sweeping history under the rug…to hide hatred only suppresses what needs to rise to the surface…in order to confront it…and extinguish it…once and for all.

It is imperative to know where we came from…how it began…and how to approach it…in order to Change It.

Photo by Nicole Berro on Pexels.com
Photo by nappy on Pexels.com

God truly Loves humankind…

Everyday we’re granted the opportunity…to become the best of ourselves…

Don’t squander the opportunities…

At any given moment…humankind can be tossed aside like a failed “experiment.”

Accept the Grace…

February Brings a Chance For History Enlightenment…and Change…

Take that leap of faith…


And Change…

Your heart…

Your life…

Your country…

Your world…

Our world…


Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels.com
Photo by Nicholas Swatz on Pexels.com

In The Midst of Nation and World Chaos…Live Your Best Life With Honesty…Reality…Truth…and Love…

To live your best life…you must love your life…and appreciate where you are…in it.

Spending your life chasing after “perfection” will leave you lost and alone…

Life is meant to be lived…not imagined or idealized…

Jump in and taste everything and refine your tastes as you journey through this maze of constant twists and turns…exploring…experiencing…appreciating…while allowing everything to come together…and age…as fine wine… Let it roll off your palate in reflection and contentment. To wait, is to stagnate and lose opportunities of real growth and discoveries that will guide you along your path of self and worldly realizations….

I once knew a woman whose dream it was to have a husband and a child… This became her passion and obsession. She was extremely creative and many opportunities came her way to express and realize her wonderful gifts…She could not fully realize the depth of her gifts which would have yielded her a tremendous financial foundation for her heart’s desire…

She had relationships which never led to a husband…she had no idea that life was preparing her…for her…to love her life as it was unfolding and to live her best life in the opportunities that were presenting themselves to her… A moment came when she found herself with child…the moment of a husband had not presented itself with the man who was the father…she did not tell him because his feelings for her were not as strong as she hoped they would be…to him it was casual…to her it was more…so she allowed it to stay casual…until she found out she was pregnant…

She sought me out to help her make a decision of which she already knew the answer…

Life presented her with a part of her heart’s desire…she sought out permission to have it…instead of living it…I had moved away. When she could not find me to give her permission to her heart’s desire…she chose not to fulfill it…because she wanted the husband as well…

Our paths crossed again, many years later. She told me the story. She was childless and had never married…and beyond her child bearing years. She asked me what would I have told her…I smiled and said, “You always wanted a child…I would have told you to have the baby…to follow your heart. You did not need me to tell you that…A child…was what you always wanted.” She agreed, and added, “I wanted to have a husband as well…I wasn’t sure about having a baby without a husband.”

The world we live in doesn’t always deliver everything in one neat little package…heart’s desires are not presented at the same moment in time…the husband would have arrived when he was meant to…or not. It’s all about living the best life…loving your life, always…while going along with the flow of it…

We create the “perfection” of our lives…and in our lives…by first acknowledging the definition of “perfection.” It is the condition, state or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects. It is the “or free as possible” that presents “imperfection.”

Life is…imperfection…flawed…blemished…features undesirable…incomplete…faulty…and we take those lemons and make lemonade…or lemon cake! With the impermanence comes I-M-possible!

In the midst of the chaos in our nation and the world…we must not lose sight of the meaning of our lives…who we are…what we can make of our lives despite what’s going on around us…and live for you by living…make the best flow from every moment that presents itself…

With Honesty…Reality…Truth…and…Love.


Life is too, too short to waste moments…opportunities…or to let it just pass you by…

Don’t ignore your heart’s desires…no matter how they come to you…

Be true to yourself…

You don’t need anyone’s permission to be and to live the best part of yourself…

Don’t give in to the chaos…without…or within…

Give in to life…

Shine your Light…

Thrive in it…

And share it with the world….


Today, I learned another valuable insight on the road to self-awareness and self-realization…It is imperative to let go of fear…Fear robs one of many opportunities to grow and prosper in spirituality.  In order to grow, we must also free ourselves from “expectation.”

Part of Love’s evolutionary process is “UN-conditionality.”  Everyone…and every situation we encounter in life is rich with blessings…We must learn to “let go” and let God show us “The Way.” We as humans hold on to so much worthless “fodder” believing it to be what is priceless…Material things…Money…They are not priceless…They are the foundation upon which we build our fears…believing these “things” to be Priceless…

Love…Honesty…Truth…Integrity…Love…Loyalty…Honor…Love…Truth to Self…Faith…Love…Surrender…Unconditional…Love…Believe…True to Others…Love…Compassion…Love…Love…Love…

A few of the off-shoots of Love…

These are all branches from the Tree of Love…Yes…as there is a Tree of Life…There is also a Tree of Love…

When a realization opens up another avenue of Light within, it is then we know that we have opened up another path to the “better” of our being…Nothing compares to that ray of “knowing” that emerges…

Insights are our building blocks of Change…

When we change ourselves…we change the world.

Never corrupt Love with “expectation.”

Never measure Love with conditionality…

Never barter…compromise…or cheapen Love by manipulation…

Never violate the sanctity of Love by using it to gain…

Once you understand “The Way”, Love will unfold in all of its glory and transformation…in miracles inconceivable to human comprehension…


Powerful realizations…

They change us…and empower us…

To change the world…

Purity of Heart…

“Blessed are the pure in heart…for they shall see GOD.”

Once in a great while…someone comes unto your path…and they show you things about life and you…that you were never conscious of…because you thought you were on the right path…and you were honed in on your self-realization…better than average…so you thought… The Teacher can always be the Student…and the Student…can always be a Teacher…that is the first commandment of spiritual evolution…discount nothing…and always walk with an open heart…

Purity of Heart would not ever condemn or lay blame

Purity of Heart would understand and love more

To unlock, open and pass through…a closed door

Purity of Heart would not shame or seek to tame…

Nor game…or defame

Purity of Heart knows only Love…

Given divinely from above

Purity of Heart is a blessing…to all.

Especially when love is given in comfort…

After a betrayal…or fall…

Purity of Heart does not keep score

Or tally mistakes…

Purity of Heart is always constant and never forsakes

Truth…Trust…Honesty…and Honor…

Are always tested…

Purity of Heart passes no judgments—

It knows your heart…and is completely invested…

Purity of Heart…is a rarity among humans, you see…

It is a state that few achieve in a lifetime…realistically.

We are flawed, broken…and in need of repair…

A fate we all share…

Purity of Heart is patient…and doesn’t dwell

On what’s not there…

It gives love…which manifests whatever is needed…

With care…

Purity of Heart is Humankind’s Savior…and Grace

Those who have received…are humbled profoundly…

To have gazed upon his…or her face….

To recognize this phenomenon, is even greater still…because there are those who walk among us…like ancient relics from the past…when virtues…values, principles and the bond of your word was accepted and honored in agreements of any kind…and that is how they live their lives…with purity of heart…

For some…it is easier than others…but guess what? We can all achieve this blessing…if we become the student…instead of the teacher…

Isn’t purity of heart worth the transition?

Take a seat…in the classroom of Life…

It’s never too late to learn…

And pay attention to those who come to you with a pure heart…

The face who is delivering the lesson…is a Messenger of God.

Take the extended branch of Enlightenment….

Thank you, Eric…for showing me such purity….

a day

May 2024
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