The Will Of The People…

It was the will of the people and the voice of their votes that freed the country from a tyrant…

It will once again be the will of the people and the people’s vote that will be the instrument of securing a second impeachment vote through the Senate…

An insurrection was recruited…nursed…and empowered by Trump to his supporters, to rise up against the Capitol where the Senate and House were in session to ceremoniously confirm the results of the 2020 Election, declaring President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris the victors of said election with the tally of electoral votes.

The present Republican Party has made their position very clear.  They intend to defend a traitor to our country…attempting to overthrow democracy for his own self-serving agenda, in order to retain Trump’s supporters, in a veiled attempt to override the Constitution’s call to hold treason and sedition accountable, by saying Trump is no longer in office, so he is no longer accountable for his actions.

What Constitution are they quoting?! The Constitution does not make such a claim as they are trying to introduce.  There is nothing “unconstitutional” in holding an insurrectionist, in the office of President, impeached for a second time while in office, accountable…It is the duty of the House and The Senate to uphold the remedy of the Constitution of the United States. Didn’t they swear and take an oath to protect the country and its citizens against this very thing? All enemies within and outside of the United States of America?

The whole world witnessed his words…his actions…and his deed of accomplishment…January 6, 2021 is now a part of American history at its worst…nothing will reverse the lives that were lost or the damage that was done…yet something can be done to ensure accountability as called for in the U.S. Constitution: Impeachment. 

The attempt by the GOP to delay the trial until Trump left office, believed that they had a defense to once again look the other way.  Smoke and mirrors are the mastery of the GOP.  Misdirection…Delusion…Complicity…Division. Major players in the Republican Rule Book on fooling the people all of the time to retain power for self-serving preservation. 

The party of Lincoln switched.  Back in the 1860’s, Republicans dominated the northern states, and the Democrats dominated the South…The Republicans orchestrated the expansion of federal power…The Democrats opposed it.  Republicans passed laws granting protections for Black Americans and advanced social justice.  Democrats opposed these expansions of federal power.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democratic President, won reelection in 1936 on his introduction of the New Deal, reforms to remedy the Depression.  The remedies included the regulation of financial institutions, the creation of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development…

They took form in the following programs and agencies…The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA).

These programs and agencies provided support for farmers, the unemployed, youth and the elderly.

The defeated Republican candidate, Alf Landon, opposed these exercises of federal power.

It is imperative that people understand the stance their chosen parties represent…and how they came to champion the stance that distinguishes one party from the other.  Republicans are the party of “bigger businesses and hands-off government.” It is their assertion that hands-off government is better for business.  Where does that leave the average working-class American? 

Become informed…Read…Research from highly reliable sources…it is tragic to be regarded as sheep…who can be led to slaughter…Trump threw his supporters under the bus…Remember…He told his supporters as he urged them to march on the Capitol Building, “I will be right there with you.”  He was nowhere to be found.  He abandoned them after accomplishing his agenda of getting them to fight his delusional battle…

Today, this is not about labels of division such as “Democrats” or “Republicans.”

When we “see” each other as people…we see and measure the hearts and minds of people…that gives us our true picture…

Who we will trust…

Who we will know by their character…

Who we will know by their integrity…

Who we will know by their honor…

Who we will know by their honesty…

Who we will know by their words…

Who we will know by their word…

Who we will know by their actions…

Who we will know by their deeds…

Who we will know by their truth…

We know that the Party of Lincoln was once a party of the people…

The GOP is now a party of antagonists…championing lies…deceit…corruption…subversion…insurrection…sedition…delusion…exclusion…revolution…white supremacy…white privilege…racism…division…destroyers of democracy…freedom…justice…liberty…America.

Wrong is right…and right is wrong…Self-service is king…and power is supreme…Just ask Mitch McConnell and his Republican cronies.  In their eyes, American citizens are just collateral damage to their complicit behavior in giving Trump a free pass to walk away without accountability for nearly destroying our country under their watch.

We can ensure they are all held accountable…

Stop the support. Stop the funding. Stop voting for those who do not have your best interests at heart. Don’t look at labels…Look at people.  Look for people who are salvageable and redeemable…The Republican party has shown the world who they really are…and what they are really all about.  They didn’t care about standing by their oaths to country and the people…they cared about themselves…and their political careers and futures…without caring about credibility and integrity.

It is so unfortunate that “real” Republicans across the country who stood up to the Trump Manifest, must belong in a party with the Hill GOP, who are disgraces to the former party of Lincoln…

Look at these politicians as who and what they are…people…people who choose and chose to be unsavory…unapologetic…without shame… and abandon their country for power… which is diminishing…

It will be the will of the people that will bring unity in spite of Republican attempts to divide a nation.

It will be the will of the people which will answer the call of the Constitution to hold Trump accountable along with those who aided and abetted his agenda and insurrection to overthrow democracy.

We know that violence never extends itself to purpose…violence is desperation when truth and reason prevail…Trump and his supporters showed the world this with their actions….

We must stand on democracy to deliver democracy…

The Constitution demands accountability by impeachment…there is nothing unconstitutional about it.

The Republican Party does not speak for the people…nor do they know the will of the people…

The road to unity is accountability…

It is the will of the people…for the people…by the people….

Think Outside of Yourself….

Today I went out to run some shopping errands…I was in a general merchandise retailer, shopping for specific food items I could only get there… I was standing there trying to make a choice between two items when I was approached by two women talking and pushing their cart in my direction… I looked up and one had on a mask, and the other had her mask pulled down under her chin, talking across to the other woman…

Rather than excuse themselves to let me know they wanted to get something very close to me, so I could allow them to enter into my space,  by backing up and practicing social distancing while they made their choices, they just walked up within inches of me and took items off the shelf where I stood, and didn’t back away to keep the six inches of required social distancing, posted on top of every shelf, spacing the distance for customers!

”So much for “social distancing,” I said to them.    The older of the two looked at me as if I’d spoken a foul word…and the other, who was younger, maybe mid to late twenties, said, “I’m a scientist, I’m not worried about it.” I replied, “You should be.” “I’m not.” She said. “I know what’s really going on…”

So I replied, “You’re a scientist? Then tell me what you know so I can know what you know.”

In a nutshell, she explained how the virus affected two percent of the population, whereas the flu virus affected three percent of the population…she went on to say that it was a “money” thing, because where she worked, they laid off many scientists so it would affect the research and the making of money for a vaccine…she summed up by saying it wasn’t as serious as everyone thinks…and she wasn’t worried about it, or possibly being infected by it… and she stays most of the time, in the house!

Isn’t “isolating” a form of social distancing ? Isn’t that a big reason why this virus was being held at bay, and a good possibility as to why she was unaffected so far?

Well, it turned out these ladies were mother and daughter…and her mother said, “Well, I’m old, I work in a hospital as a case manager, I wear my mask all day…and I’m scared.”

After telling her she wasn’t “old,” I did say that I was “old” as well, and her daughter could be my daughter, if I had one. Then I said, “As a matter-of-fact, you ARE my daughter, and I would say to you, you can believe as you want, but practice social distancing…for the others you come into contact with.”  I told her that I wear my mask not only for my protection…but for her protection as well…Anyone can be asymptomatic…

I continued my lecture to her, and her mother nodded and commented in agreement.  All young people know all and can solve all world problems…including their own…they are fearless…and the world is going to know their names! How familiar that sounds to most of us…

They may change the world and someday cure physical diseases, and social diseases such as racism, hatred, prejudice and discrimination…however, until then…practice common sense and safety during this pandemic…be safe for others…wear masks and practice social distancing…even if you believe you are invincible…

Think Outside of Yourself…it is your responsibility to be responsible during this crucial time in our history of surviving a health crisis that hovers over the planet at this time.

No one is immune…reinfection can occur…asymptomatic carriers are walking time-bombs to many…

Please be vigilant…practice the required safety measures…if not for concern for yourselves…practice for the concern and safety of others…and you will be doing a great service to yourself, and others.

Our daily lives have never known the compound fractures and breaks which are cropping up everywhere…all over…in various and precarious situations endangering everyone…some more than others…in all walks and positions…and stations in life…be kind…be caring…be watchful…show compassion…lead with humility…be the ever Good Samaritan…

Now…more than ever…Think Outside of Yourself…

A life may depend on it…and it may be yours….


Love…Love…Love…It’s Easy.

Today, there was a laminated card attached to the door…It started with…

“Hello, If you are self-isolating, I can help.  My name is…My phone number is…I live locally at… If you are self-isolating due to COVID-19, I can help with, Picking Up Shopping, Posting Mail, Prayer, A Friendly Phone Call, Urgent Supplies…Just call me or text me, and I’ll do my best to help you (for free!)

And it ended with…

“Coronavirus is contagious, therefore I will take every precaution to ensure I’m spreading only kindness.  I will seek to avoid physical contact (2m distance), wash hands regularly, and leave any items on your doorstep.”

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” ~Jesus Christ

It was left by a neighbor…

Love…Love…Love…It’s Easy.

For humanity, this is a test for the ages…we have strayed so far away from our core…our spirit…our light…our hearts…our souls…our essence…Love.  It is incredible that we are always at our best…when things are at their worst…it is beautiful.  Think…how phenomenal it would be…if we would cultivate our flame of love…the essence of our being…to be second nature…without thought…without effort…as involuntary as breathing…in reaching out to each other…whenever…however…whatever the need…with love, support, compassion, understanding…love…love…love…isn’t it ironic that it takes something out of our control to bring us together as one people…one world…one unit united to defeat an invisible enemy…with love?

We will never be the same…because this moment in our time…has changed us.  We cannot return to the separations created to divide us…to weaken us…to rob us of knowing our true essence…love.  Mountains can be moved in the name of love…Coronavirus will be defeated…in the name of love…Sorrows will be lifted…in the name of love…hearts will be mended…in the name of love…you will be changed…in the twinkling of an eye…in the name of love…You have embraced your neighbor…in the name of love…you have been changed…

Love…Love…Love…It’s Easy.

The lights of love are being activated…all over…in every corner of the world…in every heart that answers the call…Don’t you hear it?

Love…Love…Love…It’s Easy.

Your supply is endless…Use it…




a day

May 2024
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