Think Outside of Yourself….

Today I went out to run some shopping errands…I was in a general merchandise retailer, shopping for specific food items I could only get there… I was standing there trying to make a choice between two items when I was approached by two women talking and pushing their cart in my direction… I looked up and one had on a mask, and the other had her mask pulled down under her chin, talking across to the other woman…

Rather than excuse themselves to let me know they wanted to get something very close to me, so I could allow them to enter into my space,  by backing up and practicing social distancing while they made their choices, they just walked up within inches of me and took items off the shelf where I stood, and didn’t back away to keep the six inches of required social distancing, posted on top of every shelf, spacing the distance for customers!

”So much for “social distancing,” I said to them.    The older of the two looked at me as if I’d spoken a foul word…and the other, who was younger, maybe mid to late twenties, said, “I’m a scientist, I’m not worried about it.” I replied, “You should be.” “I’m not.” She said. “I know what’s really going on…”

So I replied, “You’re a scientist? Then tell me what you know so I can know what you know.”

In a nutshell, she explained how the virus affected two percent of the population, whereas the flu virus affected three percent of the population…she went on to say that it was a “money” thing, because where she worked, they laid off many scientists so it would affect the research and the making of money for a vaccine…she summed up by saying it wasn’t as serious as everyone thinks…and she wasn’t worried about it, or possibly being infected by it… and she stays most of the time, in the house!

Isn’t “isolating” a form of social distancing ? Isn’t that a big reason why this virus was being held at bay, and a good possibility as to why she was unaffected so far?

Well, it turned out these ladies were mother and daughter…and her mother said, “Well, I’m old, I work in a hospital as a case manager, I wear my mask all day…and I’m scared.”

After telling her she wasn’t “old,” I did say that I was “old” as well, and her daughter could be my daughter, if I had one. Then I said, “As a matter-of-fact, you ARE my daughter, and I would say to you, you can believe as you want, but practice social distancing…for the others you come into contact with.”  I told her that I wear my mask not only for my protection…but for her protection as well…Anyone can be asymptomatic…

I continued my lecture to her, and her mother nodded and commented in agreement.  All young people know all and can solve all world problems…including their own…they are fearless…and the world is going to know their names! How familiar that sounds to most of us…

They may change the world and someday cure physical diseases, and social diseases such as racism, hatred, prejudice and discrimination…however, until then…practice common sense and safety during this pandemic…be safe for others…wear masks and practice social distancing…even if you believe you are invincible…

Think Outside of Yourself…it is your responsibility to be responsible during this crucial time in our history of surviving a health crisis that hovers over the planet at this time.

No one is immune…reinfection can occur…asymptomatic carriers are walking time-bombs to many…

Please be vigilant…practice the required safety measures…if not for concern for yourselves…practice for the concern and safety of others…and you will be doing a great service to yourself, and others.

Our daily lives have never known the compound fractures and breaks which are cropping up everywhere…all over…in various and precarious situations endangering everyone…some more than others…in all walks and positions…and stations in life…be kind…be caring…be watchful…show compassion…lead with humility…be the ever Good Samaritan…

Now…more than ever…Think Outside of Yourself…

A life may depend on it…and it may be yours….


a day

June 2020
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