Birthday Reflections…

June 1st is the day I came into being six decades and 6 years ago…There are many chapters which fill the six, and nearly half volumes of my life… There have been many adventures…romances…fiction…nonfiction…fantasy…science fiction…mysteries…travels…novels…history…poetry…drama…drama…and more drama!

Reflecting on what’s happening in our world today…a pandemic that projects science fiction proportions…and a country in further crisis by an administration based on fiction…and drama…drama…and more drama…

I constantly ask myself, “How did we get here?! How did we as a people, come to this pace of utter spiritual bankruptcy and human deprivation? How did “civilization” degress to such a potpourri of chaos and decay?

I grew up in the sixties…the decade of Love…I always believed that the world was on its way to becoming better…I guess I allowed my my rose-colored glasses to become more factual than the fashionable accessory they were meant to be…

I have seen and experienced horrors and tragedies…and rather than give in to the darkness of the moments and occasions…I’ve worked at using them to understand…persevere…grow…educate…relate…and translate these life changing episodes into levels of enlightenment…one must never let life become too heavy as to crush you…under what comes your way…Nor let your heart become cold, hard and embittered at what may confront you on your journey through life…

While I have seen and experienced much…I have not experienced all…and most likely, never will…

As long as I am still here, it is my intention to live for love…to live to give love…to live to experience more love…to live and show by example, that love is…and always will be the key…to a life well spent…My “Better Blessed” is Love….

What I have managed to learn in my short time upon this planet…is that life is precious…and there are those who are far too concentrated on destroying life…by destroying love…

We are all children of Love…We are all children of the Universe…We are all Children of God…The Force…Buddha…Allah…Jehovah…Yahweh…Love…

The next time you come across…or see anything or anyone…out of step with love…sow your seeds of love upon that troubled place or soul…

Birthday Reflections belong to all of us…we must reflect upon our lives and how we are living…and what we are giving…to make ourselves and our world…blessed and better…for everyone…everyday…and if that is too much…to make it an everyday thing… reflect on your birthday…it will give you a perspective on life, like no other…

My birthday wish…is for everyone…everywhere…to take a moment…start small, and increase each day, in becoming the best of yourselves with love…and giving love…and watching out for one another…in the name of love…no matter who they are and especially if they do not look like you…

We are all a part of the human family…whether we like it or not…whether we care to be…or not. Nothing in this universe can change that…so stop trying…give in to Love…

2000 years ago, One gave His Life…in the name of Love…to save a race…The Human Race….Birthday Reflections will allow you to see yourself…Let that reflection be Love….

Happy Birthday….to you…..

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June 2020
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