
Can we find “unconditional” in a conditional world? Conditional “reality” is the creation of human consciousness. Conditions are the building blocks of movement in our lives…and as a consequence, in our world.  Can we grow in understanding and acceptance to move from conditional enough to experience life…without conditions?

Are we willing enough to be willing, and participate? To touch and be touched? To feel everything in surrender? Can we open our arms to life…and let our hearts be touched…without conditions?

Think about it…

I’ll give you gas money…if you drive me to work…

Come over…I’ll make dinner…if you buy the food…

I’ll do your Science homework…if you pay my way to the Sci-Fi Comic Con, next month!

I’ll babysit, if you buy me that new pair of shoes I saw the other day…

If you cover for me in the meeting tomorrow, I’ll spring for lunch!

We can take that vacation we always wanted…if you take on another job for the summer!

Conditions…conditions…Can we do anything without “padding” the outcome?

We have been “conditioned” since birth!

“If you eat your vegetables…you can have ice cream for dessert!”

We talk about love…and loving unconditionally… Love has the biggest conditional price tag of all… Look around…Black Lives would matter, if love were unconditional…Women would be recognized on an equal scale to men, for their achievements and contributions…if conditions did not prevail…Conditions believe that women cannot manage a household…be intelligent… be feminine…and hold down a job outside of the home!

Conditions affect anyone and everyone who is perceived as “different than the norm,” from the physically challenged…to the elderly…and everyone in between…

Miracles come to open hearts and minds that have surrendered the need to control…and the need to know…The mind that can divest itself of conditions…is “present” and free from one of the greatest chains of bondage on the human heart…and has mastered one of the greatest lessons of humankind, on the path to Love…

The beginning to unlearning the conditional training, is to come out of hiding…stop being “lost”… and be True To Yourself.  No one likes conditions…Be true in your heart and your mind…”Do unto others…as you would have others do unto you.” Without conditions…

Learn to Love…Without Conditions…

Learn to Give…Without Conditions…

Learn to Receive…Without Conditions…

Learn to Listen…Without Conditions…

Learn to be Compassionate…Without Conditions…

Learn to be of Service to others…Without Conditions…

Without Conditions…

Make a list of your most outrageous conditions…read it for the absurdity…wince…laugh…cry…shake your head in disbelief…Did you really say that!? Did you really demand that?! Did you really have that expectation on making that condition?!

Yes…You did…

How much did you change? How much did you grow? How much do you regret?

Frame it as a reminder…toss it in the trash…or burn it in eulogy…

Tomorrow is another day…

Take the first step…

Lose the conditionality…


And grow your heart…



a day

June 2020
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